Register with The Institution of Engineers Tanzania

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The Institution of Engineers Tanzania is registered under the Societies Act and is guided by a written constitution approved by its membership.

The objects and purposes for which the Institution of Engineers Tanzania is constituted are to promote the general advancement of the science and practice of Engineering and its applications, and to facilitate exchange of information and ideas on those subjects amongst the members of the Institution and for that purpose, the Institution:

Membership Benefits
  • Entitled to receiving the Tanzania Engineer Journal.
  • Participation in Professional Development Courses, Seminars, Workshops, etc.
  • Entitled to receiving professional/technical advises and support.
  • Participation in technical and social programmes e.g. site visits, evening social gatherings organized by the Institution.
  • Enhancing recognition by employers and industry.
  • Exposure to employment and business opportunities as created by various bodies/Enhancing networking opportunities.
  • Enhancing networking opportunities.
  • Enhancing participatory spirit of all members in contributing to issues concerning the engineering community.
  • Being key player on a range of engineering/technical issues.
Application Form

To apply for IET Membership, please download the Application Form or Students Application Form fill it and return it to the following address:

Executive Secretary,
The Institution of Engineers,
Pamba Road, Opp. Former Motel Agip,
P. O. Box 2938,
Tel: (+255) 22 2124265/2122836
Fax: (+255) 22 2124265
Email: [email protected]

1 thought on “Register with The Institution of Engineers Tanzania”

  1. Dear team,

    I hope you are well.

    Please can you verify if this is a private or government institution as ERB?

    Is your certificate a substitute for ERB certification? As I am aware those graduate who persued bachelor of science are not elligible to gain ERB certificate.

    Best Regards
    Shabani Kipindura

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