Mercato Bus Terminal in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia begins operations

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The newly built Mercato Bus Terminal in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, has begun operations according to the Addis Ababa City Administration Transport Bureau.

Named after Mercato, the largest open market in the East African country, the newly built terminal will only host Anbessa and Sheger city buses. It will allow the oldest city bus-Anbessa- to transport passengers to 35 destinations in Addis Ababa, and allow the youngest city commuter – Sheger Bus – to transport its customers to and from 17 destinations in the capital city.

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The distinctiveness of the new facility

According to Aregawi Maru, the head of communication affairs at the transport bureau, the Mercato Bus Terminal is different from existing terminals in that it is not only an arrival and departure center for commuters, but also has two-story floors that can host up to 20 buses at a time, which is a higher number than what the already existing terminals could accommodate.

The facility is also more comfortable for customers and has spacious waiting areas, and ticket shops. Its toilets are also built to cater to all people even those with disabilities who would require special elevator service.

The construction work of the facility was carried out by CGCOC, while Yonannes Abay Construction consulting firm participated as the project consultant.

Improvement to the transport sector

Designed and built to handle up to 6,000 passengers an hour or a total of 60,000 – 80,000 passengers per day, the new Mercato Bus Terminal will help transport service providers give efficient and fast services with better security, and address the longstanding challenges related to the growing number of service seekers who are mostly exposed to health and safety challenges.

The facility will be managed by the City’s Transport authority.

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