Why a desert module?

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Solar en­ergy, today, is being pro­duced all over the world. Nonethe­less, it is par­tic­u­larly in the re­gions in which the sun has the max­i­mum power that mod­ules are often ex­posed to ex­tra­or­di­nary stresses. Ex­treme tem­per­a­tures and tem­per­a­ture fluc­tu­a­tions, high at­mos­pheric hu­mid­ity, strong winds and sand­storms.

In sev­eral cases, off grid de­ploy­ment is also nec­es­sary here. J.v.G. has ded­i­cated it­self to de­vel­op­ing mod­ule tech­nolo­gies that are adapted specif­i­cally to with­stand these ex­treme con­di­tions.

The Desert Mod­ule Tech­nol­o­gy TM achieves with the help of the so called high-power tem­per­a­ture process con­sid­er­able per­for­mance en­hance­ment ver­sus com­pa­ra­ble mod­ules.


General benefits of the J.v.G. desert module (HPTP Process Technology)

·         High temperature up to 125 °C continuous, 145 °C peak

·         Long service life: up to 75 years, guaranteed 45 years

·         100 % recyclable

·         Higher yield

·         At present, already 5 % more power than conventional modules

·         PID free

PID: Po­ten­tial-in­duced degra­da­tion stands for the volt­age-re­lated degra­da­tion in power in crys­talline pho­to­voltaic mod­ules cause by so-called leak­age cur­rents. In case of high sys­tem volt­ages in the re­gion of 1,000 Volts, there may be leak­age cur­rent in the mod­ule, i.e. charge car­ri­ers flow through the em­bed­ded ma­te­r­ial and the back­side film. This may lead to elec­tro­chem­i­cal cor­ro­sion and thus, causes loss of power in the mod­ule.

The ef­fect oc­curs par­tic­u­larly at high tem­per­a­tures and high lev­els of at­mospheric hu­mid­ity (see the di­a­gram on the right); it may cause loss in power of up to 80 %.

Desert step 1 – crystalline mono and multi-module
In glass / film modules, the solar cells lie behind a wafer made of highly transparent and hardened glass. In addition, the J.v.G. desert modules have a special anti-reflex coating, which enhance the light transmission considerably. Moreover, they have a specially developed film (laminate package), which has been designed for extreme temperatures and humidity. They are protected on the back side with a robust Tedlar film. A robust aluminium frame provides stability and facilitates installation.

The Benefits
·         Highly robust aluminium frame (45 mm, snow load class III)
·         Maximum energy output and high annual energy yield

·         PID free

Desert step 2 – glass / glass – modules
Conventional modules are covered on the front side by transparent glass and the rear side consists of a plastic film. In glass / glass modules, the film at the rear is replaced by a second glass panel. This makes it highly robust and durable.

The benefits
·         2 mm cover glass, 2 mm glass on the back side
·         Designed for deployment worldwide
·         large temperature range and high atmospheric humidity
·         Extreme stability and durability
·         Precise symmetry
·         No cell breakage
·         Less material and low weight, 10 kg/m2
·         Frameless: better load distribution, less risk of breakage with wind and snow loads
·         Simplified sub-construction (ideal for car ports, glasshouses and in-roof systems)
·         Flexibility with the design and dimensions
·         PID free
Glass / film modules cooled as well as glass / glass modules cooled

These modules have all the benefits of the glass / film design variants. At the same time, they counter the fact effectively that the efficiency of modules diminishes with rising temperature. By cooling, the utilisation may be enhanced by up to 25 %.

Desert step 3 – flexible modules
A polymer film encases the silicon cells on the front and back sides and makes JW Flex capable of movement in all directions.  These modules, in fact, may be placed on round surfaces. Moreover, they are ultra light-weight. Particularly in the case of angular incidence of sunlight, flexible modules deliver a high yield. This is attributable to the spherical arrangement of the silicon.

J.v.G. has already applied for different patents with respect to this technology. The module is as easy to install as JW Flex is diverse in its application: They are suspended at eyelets or fastened with screws to the subsurface.

The benefits
·         High temperature up to 125 degrees continuous, 145 degrees peak
·         Long life, up to 75 years, guaranteed 45 years
·         100 % recyclable
·         High level of efficiency (10 %)
·         Unmatched response in the shade
·         Flexible
·         Almost unbreakable!
·         Ideal for special applications, BIPV
·         Absolutely flexible in all directions
·         Ultra light-weight (approx. 3 kg/m2)
·         Extremely heat-resistant
·         No sub-construction necessary
·         Possible in different sizes (A3, A4 and A1)
·         Very high yield particularly with angular incidence of sunlight
·         Maximum energy output and high annual energy yield

Desert step 4 – nanotechnology
Why nanotechnology?
The power of a solar cell can be en­hanced by 20 % with the help of nano-coat­ings, and the mod­ule power can be in­creased by 5 %. So far, solar mod­ules have been able to con­vert only a cer­tain range of the sun spec­trum to elec­tri­cal en­ergy. With the help of their very spe­cial char­ac­ter­is­tics, the nano-coat­ing ap­plied by us bun­dles all in­ci­dent rays. This has al­ready been demon­strated on a lab­o­ra­tory scale and im­ple­mented suc­cess­fully. The en­tire cell has been re­alised on a sur­face of 5 x 3 cm.
The ben­e­fits

·         nano coating (glas); + 25% yield

·         flex desert module; 2kg / module

For more information visit  www.jvg.thoma.de