UNIHA Wasser Technologie ihas signed the final contract in the amount of EUR 5.45 million for the design, supply & construction of the second expansion stage of the 10,000 m³/day seawater desalination plant in the city of Praia, the capital of island nation Cabo Verde in the Atlantic Ocean.
Successful previous projects including an existing turnkey project and several containerized seawater desalination plants, have led to UNIHA’s excellent reputation in the country.
The necessary financing agreement has been drawn up and signed with the Cabo Verde Treasury, represented by Finance Minister Mr. Olavo Correira. Financing for the seawater desalination plant was developed with support provided by the Austrian Control Bank (OeKB).
Process engineering has commenced and the first orders to suppliers were already placed in May of 2020. On-site assembly is scheduled to begin in early 2021, the handing over of the plant to the customer, ELECTRA SA, is planned for the second half of 2021.
Given UNIHA’s proven track record in Cabo Verde, including Seawater Desalination Container Plants (2x 1,000 m³/day) in the year of 2000, and recent success in executing projects in challenging environments (not least due to Covid-19), the current pandemic and the measures implemented do not represent any obstacles for UNIHA.
UNIHA is looking forward to executing yet another successful project in Cabo Verde.