9 Common Home Construction Mistakes You Better Avoid

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Renovations may be exhilarating while they are in the planning stages and when you finally finish them.

But that intermediate portion, when you have to deal with contractors and subcontractors and architects and all the associated waste and dust, is also a consideration to keep in mind.

The remodeling process may escalate from irritating to unpleasant if you throw a few construction errors into the mix.

And while you can’t control every aspect of the building process, there are a number of things you can do as a homeowner to minimize the risk of costly errors.

Before embarking on a construction job, the essential thing to remember is to do your research thoroughly. You may save more time, money, and headache by avoiding these ten construction mistakes:

1. Uncertainty About Your Budget

Unless you have the cash on hand, you’ll almost certainly need some financing for your renovation. Before meeting with an architect or contractor, figure out how much you can realistically borrow to cover the costs.

It’s essential to know what you can and cannot afford. Getting it correctly the first time may save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in the long run since you won’t have to pay your architect to have the blueprints changed.

2. Adhering to the Initial Estimation

There is no need to be embarrassed about asking for more than one estimate. A contractor’s “research phase” often involves consulting with homeowners at least a couple of times. When you meet with them, you may be candid about your current stage of the construction process.

An essential consideration when getting estimates from contractors is not just their pricing but also their proven expertise, how long they have been in business, and any warranties that they provide on their work.

3. Working with the Wrong Contractor

Working with unbonded and uninsured contractors exposes you to danger if something goes wrong on the work or if the contractor fails to uphold his half of the deal. So, the best advice is to ensure that the contractor you choose is licensed to avoid this construction mistake.

While bonding and insurance are distinct, you want a contractor that has both. Consider bonding as protection after the completion of the task and insurance as protection throughout the course of the job.

A qualified contractor will also work with you to remain inside your budget by looking through the proposal and identifying areas for cost savings.

4. Trying to do Everything by Yourself

Homeowners may save money on their renovations by performing some of the work themselves rather than hiring a professional contractor. Make sure you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into if you’re going to take on a project on your own.

Take up building projects only if you are fully aware of the risks involved in doing so on your own.

5. Violating Building Permits

Your project will be delayed if the city or county issues a stop-work order because you lack the required permits. And obtaining permits takes time and money. This construction mistake can cause expensive delays in the project or even penalties, get permissions as soon as feasible before work starts.

You should be open with your contractor in this regard. It would be best if you hire one that can handle not just the blueprints, constructing, planning, waste management services, etc., but also the paperwork.

Because let’s be honest–when it comes to dealing with the local government, it is a hassle. However, contractors often have connections in permitting offices, making the process much simpler and quicker.

Your contractor may not draw those permits, so get started soon as possible. You’ll likely miss documents the first time, and there’ll be a delay between when you submit everything and when the city or county gives your construction permits.

Find out whether you need to display your permissions publicly. Most localities demand permits and blueprints on-site so inspectors may check on the construction.

6. Not Sharing Your Concerns with the Contractor

A professional contractor will take your concerns seriously, even if you feel like you’re being a nag when you raise them.

If you cannot live in your house during construction, it is a good idea to check in daily, or at least every few days, to see how things are progressing.

Suppose you cannot watch the work but have some financial flexibility. You may want to consider hiring a home designer who works as your advocate on-site and may bring any possible difficulties to your notice.

7. Not Requesting a Specific Completion Date for the Work

It’s not uncommon for contractors to keep rescheduling their completion dates. There are various situations in which delaying the completion date makes sense, such as in the event of extremely harsh weather.

Apart from that, there aren’t many compelling reasons for a house building project to take months, if not weeks, longer than anticipated.

While not all contractors will guarantee a completion date, finding one that will save you a lot of time and aggravation. To accommodate for unforeseen circumstances, a good contractor should plan on finishing the job well before the agreed-upon date. This gives you confidence that they will complete the project on schedule.

8. Poor Communication Between You and the Contractor

Another construction mistakes is miscommunication. Miscommunications between you and your architect or contractor might result in financial loss or dissatisfaction with certain aspects of the project.

Your architect and contractor aren’t mind readers, so don’t worry if you start to feel like you’re asking too many questions (even if they are as ridiculous as “Why is that thing here?” or “What do these diamond grinding wheels do?”).

If you don’t understand anything about the plans or in your contract, the best thing to do is have someone explain it to you right away. You’re best off clearing up any issues before work begins, so there is no misunderstanding or nagging worries throughout the building process.

9. Having Way Too High Expectations

We’ve all watched how contractors and homeowners remove old carpets to uncover beautiful hardwood floors. But sometimes, construction surprises may be unpleasant, and you never know whether you’ll run into an issue once the job gets underway.

There are many ways to save time and money in the building process, but one that stands out above all others is to be prepared for any unexpected hitches that may arise throughout the project.

Assuming that your contractor includes a 10% reserve for unforeseen costs in their estimate, make sure you have enough finance to pay both the project costs and the reserve amount. A successful construction project means you’ll receive the 10% back after the work is finished.

Wrap Up

While some building mistakes are unavoidable, you can do more than you think to prevent some significant construction errors as a homeowner.

And while renovations may be unpleasant and loud sometimes, it’s also a lot of fun to see your house evolve and even participate in some of the work yourself.

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