Commencement of Water Pipeline Construction in Southern Madagascar

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The construction work on the future drinking water pipeline between the Efaho River in For-Dauphin and Abovombe-Androy, Madagascar should accelerate in the coming weeks. A ship has just delivered 11 km of pipes from Turkey. It will take ten times more to reach Abovombé

For months, earthmoving companies have been at work in the South of Madagascar in order to prepare the ground where the future pipeline responsible for supplying fresh water to the Anosy and Androy regions will be installed.

This huge water pipe will convey part of the precious liquid from the Efaho river of Toalognaro (Editor’s note: Fort-Dauphin). This “water tipping” will be carried out when the 97 km of tubes will be installed. A titanic construction site that should allow more than 60 villages to no longer die of thirst and to cultivate.

Challenges in the construction of a water pipeline in Madagascar

The first pipeline delivery will solve a tiny part of the problem. Madagascar is an island as big as France and Belgium combined. The entire south of the Big Island has been suffering from a dramatic drought for more than three years. Other pipelines are being planned. Hydrologists have also studied the subsoil of this vast region.

Groundwater would be accessible. In the meantime, the transfer of water from rivers and the creation of wells, Non-governmental Organizations will still be on the front lines at the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024. The latest studies predict that 458,650 people will suffer from malnutrition in the South.

Also read Madagascar to receive US $72m for Jirama Water III project