East African Crude Oil Pipeline Project Receives 100 Kilometers of Pipes at Dar es Salaam Port

Home » News » East African Crude Oil Pipeline Project Receives 100 Kilometers of Pipes at Dar es Salaam Port

According to a statement that was issued by the project coordinator of East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP), the project recently received 100 kilometers of pipes at the port of Dar es Salaam. This indicated the commencement of the construction phase of the East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline project. The project coordinator of the project, Mr. Safiel Msovu, confirmed the arrival of the pipes and stated that the construction was ready to kick off. In addition, he stated that the project is on progress and both Tanzania and Uganda are very committed to facilitate its completion.

Over 5,000 pipes arrived at the port for the East African Crude Oil Pipeline project. The process of moving the pipes from the port of Dar es Salaam to the center of the project, Tabora has also commenced. The pipes will be distributed from Tabora to the other locations of the project. Currently, the government of Tanzania is coordinating the project via the TPDC and currently, the oraganisation has managed to issue the shares to the various shareholders. Currently, the government of Tanzania has released approximately Sh500 billion for the implementation of the project.

Also read: East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Above Ground Installations Commence

East African Crude Oil Pipeline Pipes Installation Date

The installation of the pipes shall begin in April 2024 and the project is expected to be completed entirely in the year 2025. Upon completion, the project is expected to start transporting oil from Uganda to Tanzania by early 2026.

The transportation of the pipes will be done using special trucks. The trucks are 18 metres long which is the same as the length of the pipes. This length feature makes them unique from other trucks which are usually 12 meters long. Modern technology will also be used in lifting of the pipes from the trucks so as to ensure that the workers are not to subjected to any form of danger when lifting the pipes from trucks.