Getting Your Art Studio Ready for the Big Move

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Your art studio is your sanctuary; this is the place where you go to reflect and let your creative juices flow freely. Your studio is also your safe space, away from the eyes of critics. Even if you love just about everything about your current art studio, sometimes it’s time to leave.

Whether you’re outgrowing the space, the rent is increasing, or you feel like there’s something better, it’s time to pack up. Ensuring a smooth art studio relocation is always a priority. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy.

So whether you’re handling everything alone, working with professionals, or bribing friends and family, making sure everything goes off without a hitch requires some planning.

Tips for a Smooth Art Studio Relocation

Okay, you’ve found the perfect place for your art studio. You can’t wait to get in and start arranging your supplies.

You can already feel the creative juices flowing; however, you still need to get everything moved from your old studio to the new location. If the move doesn’t go smoothly, you may find it tough to create new works of art.

Decide How You’re Moving

You have a few options on how you move. Friends and family can be a great option if they’re close by. Best of all, they’re often open to bribes instead of cash. You can feed them dinner or offer them a free art piece as payment for their help. Chances are, the offer of free food and drink is enough to get your loved ones to lend a hand with the move.

Another option is to hire professional movers but this costs more than paying for dinner. If you work as a sculptor or have floor-to-ceiling canvases, this may be your best and only option. Professional movers have the equipment necessary to move large, heavy, and bulky objects.

Even if your friends are willing, they simply may not be able to lift a large, heavy sculpture. There’s also an issue with vehicle size. You may still be shelling out for a rental van or truck even with your loved ones lending a hand.

Some artists prefer to tackle the move by themselves. Maybe they don’t want anyone seeing works in progress or there’s no one they know in the area. As long as you can handle the heavy lifting and have access to a vehicle, solo art studio moves may take time but they’re also cost-effective. When it comes to how you move your art studio, budget is typically a deciding factor.

Take Time to Go Through Everything

Simply because the space is dedicated as an art studio doesn’t mean a few odds and ends aren’t lying around. You’ve probably collected a ton of art supplies over the years, some items you may not remember shoving on a shelf.

Before you start packing up your art studio, now’s the perfect time to purge some of your belongings. Do you really need to keep a brush with only one or two attached bristles? What about the dried-out paints from several years ago? Chances are, you can’t revive the old paint.

Grab a box and a trash bag; stuff that’s trash, like old, dried paint goes in the trash. If you have supplies that are still good, only you’ll probably never use them, place them in the box. This can also apply to any décor you have that you don’t want to take to the new studio.

The trash bag goes in the garbage, just make sure you aren’t throwing away chemicals. There are better ways to get rid of old chemicals that are safer for everyone and the environment. Regulations on disposing of old chemicals vary by city and state, so make sure to check with local authorities first.

Get Packing Supplies

If you have old boxes and crates lying around your current studio, you’re in luck. If not, don’t worry it’s pretty easy to find packing crates and boxes. You can head to a moving company. Most have packing supplies for sale but expect to pay a premium price. However, if you need a custom crate this may be your only option.

Custom crates are perfect for packing heavier items like sculptures. After wrapping the sculpture in blankets, place it carefully into the crate. Use old newsprint, it’s free, to stuff around any gaps between the sides of the crate and the sculpture.

If you don’t want to pay for boxes, your local grocery store should be able to help. Most receive deliveries daily and this usually means a steady supply of boxes. Your neighbors and even local businesses can probably supply you with newsprint. If not, packing paper is relatively inexpensive. Don’t forget to label each box since this makes unpacking go far more smoothly.

Moving Into Your New Studio

Congratulations! You’re out of your old studio and getting settled into your new location. Now, it’s time to get to work unpacking. Since you took the time to label each box, you have a pretty good idea of where to start.

If you have heavy items like sculptures that you can’t lift without assistance, start with these items before the movers or your friends consider the job done. Something to note is most moving services charge extra for unpacking even one item so factor this expense into your moving budget.

Don’t Put Off Unpacking Your Supplies

Taking the evening off after moving all day is perfectly understandable. You’re exhausted and don’t have the energy to open even one box. Take the night off, you deserve a break. However, plan on packing as soon as possible. The longer you put it off the harder it is to get started.

Start with your essential art supplies, sometimes this is enough to get you motivated to finish unpacking. Get everything on the shelves and in drawers so you aren’t spending time searching for supplies. Pretty soon, your new studio will be ready for you to start creating amazing new pieces of art.

Relocating Your Art Studio Can Go Smoothly

Moving an art studio can be a lot of work, but it doesn’t have to be a nightmare. With some planning, you can help ensure a smooth art studio relocation. Carefully pack your art supplies and equipment to prevent damage during transit.

Don’t forget to start unpacking as soon as possible—this way, you can quickly return to creating art for everyone to enjoy. Organizing your new space beforehand will make the transition more efficient and inspire creativity right from the very start.