What makes new-build homes more energy efficient?

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New-build homes in England and Wales are now considered to be more energy efficient than older homes. The majority of these properties have an Energy Performance Certificate rating of A or B, which also means homeowners may be eligible for a green mortgage discount.

But what makes new build homes so energy efficient? Here we discuss some of the different factors that make newer homes eco-friendly and how they help to reduce household bills.

Heating and insulation

Older properties tend to contain older boilers and heating systems, which are usually less energy efficient when compared with newer models. Wear and tear is inevitable when appliances are used over several years and this can affect efficiency. Essentially, the heating systems will have to be left on for longer and work harder to maintain the same temperature, using more energy.

New build properties are fitted with brand new, high-quality appliances, which have a higher energy rating and help to improve efficiency. These also cost less to run and will save money on utility bills.

The prevention of heat loss in homes is highly important to reduce the need to keep the heating systems running. New-build homes are great at retaining heat, often being fitted with double- or triple-glazed windows and internal wall insulation. Some property developers will even fully draught-proof the home, which can save a respectable sum of money each year.

Eco-friendly materials

A large proportion of new-build developers are now opting for sustainable materials when it comes to constructing their properties. A good example is timber, which is naturally renewable and easier to acquire compared to alternatives like steel and brick.

Most new builds are also now fitted with solar panels, which are a renewable source of energy that have low maintenance costs and can reduce electricity bills. You can even find electric car charging points in some properties, which can be attractive to those looking to swap their fuel-powered vehicle for an electric one that produces fewer carbon emissions.

Energy-efficient appliances

To help reduce energy bills and carbon emissions without compromising on style or illumination, new-build homes are often fitted with energy-efficient lighting. For example, high-quality LED light bulbs last longer, are more durable and use around 70-80% less energy than incandescent lighting.

Additionally, new builds can include fixtures that are specifically designed to reduce the amount of water that is wasted. Restricted-flow taps are one of the most effective ways of doing this, ensuring any taps are not accidentally left on and water isn’t used unnecessarily.