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East African Portland Cement Company

Home » East African Portland Cement Company

East African Portland Cement Company

East African Portland Cement Company officially received the prestigious ISO 9001:2008 certification. The award comes after much hard work.

The ISO celebrations event brought together the crème de la crème of both the business community and government, Hon. Henry Kosgey, EGH, MP, Minister for Industrialization was the Guest of Honor. Hon. Kosgey was accompanied by various Ministers such as the Hon. Asst. Minister for Defense, Gen. (Rtd) Joseph Nkaiserry.

The ISO 9001:2008 certification is an acknowledgement of the effort and commitment that EAPCC staff members have invested in implementing the quality management system.  This achievement is an indication of the Company’s competence, in rendering  products and services that match internationally understood and accepted standards.

During the function, the Chief Guest congratulated EAPCC for their steadfastness, dedication and professionalism which had seen EAPCC reach these great heights as one of the first cement makers in the country to achieve ISO 9001:2008 certification.

In his keynote address he said “By pursuing this avenue of excellence, EAPCC demonstrates its proactive commitment to service quality and customer satisfaction” He continued “Kenya’s vision 2030 envisages expansive high quality infrastructural development throughout the country. It will definitely require high quality building materials. EAPCC is therefore, a critical partner in Kenya’s Vision 2030, which is the blueprint and the road map to our Country’s industrialization and economic development”.

[quote_box_center]In his address Eng. Nyambok said “EAPCC’s focus has always been customer satisfaction and delivery of the highest-quality products and services in the industry. Being one of the first cement companies in Kenya to receive the newly updated ISO 9001:2008 certification demonstrates our continued commitment to quality in every aspect of our business”. “This certification affirms to our customers that the Company has put in place the necessary quality management systems and procedures that will enable it to focus on stakeholder satisfaction by providing excellent products and services while adhering to prudent management practices”[/quote_box_center]

Eng. Nyambok took the opportunity to congratulate everyone involved and especially the team that had worked on cement mill No. 5. The team which had championed the commissioning of the Mill was at hand to receive certificates in recognition of their good work.

EAPCC also took this opportunity to launch the Paradigm shift, the shift which introduces “BUSINESS UNUSUAL” is the strategic change process which will ensure the maximization of sustained profits; transformation of strategic thinking and learning with clear SMART targets.

The EAPCC Chairman – Mr. Mark ole Karbolo speaking during the function said “With this change process – the paradigm shift – EAPCC aims to ensure operational efficiencies in the short term while engaging in a capacity development process that will guarantee market dominance and enable become a leading low–cost producer of superior cement and cement products in the medium to longer term.

Specific, results and the respective activities have been drawn for major components of the EAPCC value chain aimed at making the firm more competitive, efficient and market focused”. The EAPCC Chairman also utilized this opportunity to preset EAPCC’s new Vision, Mission and Values.

During the last financial year, EAPCC achieved various milestones as a preamble to ISO certification: – commissioning of cement Mill No.5 which has actively doubled our cement capacity from 700,000 metric tonnes to 1.3 million metric tonnes per annum, signing of a Carbon Credit Purchasing Agreement with JP Morgan Climate Care which will see EAPCC realize over Kshs. 80,000,000 annually from carbon credit sales and the  commissioning of  3 CSR projects in Kabini namely Kabini Hill Primary School – Dining Hall and Kitchen, Elerai Primary School – Classroom 1 and Elerai Girls MCK Secondary School – Dormitory.

With the ISO 9001:2008 certification, EAPCC can now move forward into new regional markets and present its flagship brand Blue Triangle Cement ® as a quality approved brand that is Strong. Durable and Bright.