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The South African Institution Of Civil Engineering

Home » The South African Institution Of Civil Engineering

civils-talk-e-tollCivil engineering professionals and industry leaders vigorously debated the controversial e-tolling concept at the South African Institution of Civil Engineering’s (SAICE) SAICE Civil Talk.

Attendees voiced pressing concerns and relevant questions, which again highlighted how divided opinions were even among the civil engineering fraternity.

Well-known Mike Lomas facilitated, and with the expert panel consisting of Wayne Duvenage of the Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance (OUTA), Gerard de Villiers, logistics and transport planning specialist at Arup, Dr John Sampson, transportation engineer at TTI Africa and Dr Malcolm Mitchell, past Deputy Director-General of the Department of Transport, transportation specialist and economist, and senior Fellow of SAICE, brought very interesting views to the table.

Dr Sampson said that transport infrastructure is essential for the economic and social wellbeing of the country, and benefits society as a whole. He added that roads should be funded by using the most efficient means of raising taxes possible and citizens should get the services they need and have paid for.