The Southern African Federation of Engineering Organisations (SAFEO) held its first official meeting at SAICE House in Midrand, Johannesburg recently.
The meeting was attended by distinguished delegates from Nigeria, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Botswana and Namibia. It was a wonderful experience to have these engineers come together with the common goal to create a CIVILUTION in southern Africa.
SAFEO’s vision is to develop sufficient human capital in the built environment professions, in particular engineering, with a view to enable Africa to ultimately achieve sustainable development for the peoples of Africa.
Its mission is to contribute to resource and expertise mobilisation in partnership with key stakeholders to accomplish the transfer and assimilation of the value of best practice principles of sustainable development to identified communities at all levels.
SAFEO is looking at creating common structures and platforms for common CPD courses and outreach programmes, a unified qualification framework through joint accreditation of degrees, diplomas and courses, a green card for easy mobility of engineering professionals, unified standards and technical compliance systems and unified engineering licensing and regulatory regimes.
I am a Mechanical Engineer in Zambia,work for Zambia Air Force and have served the Air Force for 20 years. A Professional Engineer registered with the Engineering Institute of Zambia.I would like to be receiving your news letters and possibly become a member.