Home » LPG Tank Farm Project Seeks U.S$50 Million from Investors

LPG Tank Farm Project Seeks U.S$50 Million from Investors

Home » LPG Tank Farm Project Seeks U.S$50 Million from Investors

Liquefied Petroleum Gas supplier in Ghana is looking for investors for a joint partnership to construct an LPG tank farm and loading gantry at Takoradi.

The project proposes to establish a 27 000 cubic metre capacity LPG tank farm comprising nine tanks each with an individual capacity of 3,000 cubic metres. The storage facility will have an ultra-modern loading gantry at Takoradi in western region of Ghana. It will serve as an import depot for the supply of gas to Ghana and subsequent wholesale to neighbouring countries such as Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger.

The project initiator (who is currently supplying LPG and fabricated gas stoves) aims to take advantage of increasing demand for petroleum products in West Africa. The demand is driven by the affordability of using gas for energy provision. The daily LPG supply shortfall in Ghana is about 5,000 cubic metres.