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Building collapse in upmarket Meyersdal Eco Estate

Home » Buildings » Residentials/apartments » Building collapse in upmarket Meyersdal Eco Estate

After a building collapse in upmarket Meyersdal Eco Estate, South Africa, the rescue team has not yet determined how many workers are still trapped under it.

Currently, the rescue process is ongoing and is being carried out by the Ekurhuleni Emergency Management Services. They have retrieved the bodies of a few workers and more were left injured, two critically. Five are in a serious condition and one sustained minor injuries. They were unable to contact one of the contractors to establish the number of employees working on the site.

According to Ekurhuleni the EMS spokesman William Ntladi, the search will go on until they know how many people were on site. Two contractors were renovating the doublestorey house according to him.
The estate, according to reports, will collaborate with investigators to uncover the cause of the collapse. A team of investigators from the Department of Labour has already gone to the site and will issue a preliminary report on the cause of the accident.

Urban Rescue personnel and rescue technicians were using shoring equipment to stabilise the building in an effort to search for the dead and injured covered by the rubble and concrete. A back-hoe was being used to remove rubble. No one seemed to be left alive in the rubble according to Ntladi. Meyersdal Eco Estate has a nature reserve that harbors several antelope species. The estate also has upmarket double-storey houses.