Home » South Africa Baywest mall wall collapses due to strong winds

South Africa Baywest mall wall collapses due to strong winds

Home » South Africa Baywest mall wall collapses due to strong winds

There were strong winds at Port Elizabeth which saw part of the Baywest Mall wall collapse, injuring workers who were on the site. Construction of the Baywest Mall is still in progress and expected to be completed before opening in early next year.

The report of Baywest Mall wall collapse was disclosed in a statement released by Murray & Roberts Buildings managing director Alex Boyazoglua.

According to Alex, a section of wall, estimated to be about 4.9m long and 3.6m high, was blown by excessive winds which were accompanied by forceful gusts.

[quote_box_center]“It is extremely unfortunate that one of the SMME subcontractors’ employees was in the path of the wall as it was blown over.”[/quote_box_center]

Construction of the Baywest Mall is still underway and is estimated to cost over $1b. The mall is expected to be a shopping spot for the Port Elizabeth and outsiders. Construction of the Baywest mall includes setting, among other facilities, state-of-the-art cinema complex, packing space and restaurant. It will also involve setting a Fun Factory and 250 retail outlets. The super-regional mall will also attract those with taste for fashion and the young, according to reports.