Home » Buildings » Residentials/apartments » Structural collapse in Alberton, South Africa leaves seven dead

Structural collapse in Alberton, South Africa leaves seven dead

Home » Buildings » Residentials/apartments » Structural collapse in Alberton, South Africa leaves seven dead

The Joint Structural Division of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE) and the Institution of Structural Engineers note with concern the failure of yet another structure and express its sympathy to those injured and the bereaved families. The collapse of an expensive home in Alberton undergoing renovations left seven workers dead and many injured.

It is just nine months since the dramatic collapse of the Tongaat Shopping Mall, and while still awaiting the results of the current investigation into this collapse to determine the cause of this specific tragic incident, it is apparent that viewed overall there are problems in areas of the construction industry that need urgent resolution.

Incidences such as these are still relatively uncommon in the South African context but they are avoidable.

It is incumbent on all role players within the construction Industry, especially those involved with structures, to focus on ensuring that all structural alterations and stages of the new works are designed and implemented in a manner that is in strict accordance with the very best practice.

There is also a salutary message to home owners/clients in that the Building Regulations and the OHS and Construction Regulations place onerous responsibilities on them regarding construction works on their properties.