US$250m Ressano Garcia power station in Mozambique inagurated

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President Armando Guebuza has inaugurated the Ressano Garcia power station located on the border with South Africa. The Ressano Garcia power station will generate a total of 180 megawatts.

The gas is treated by SASOL, South African petro-chemical giant, before being taken to the plant via a pipeline. The gas pipeline measuring 614 kilometre long starts from the Pande and Temane gas fields in Inhambane province.

The construction of the Ressano Garcia power station started in 2013, and the total investment is estimated to be US$250 million. The power station will have 18 gas turbines and a capability to generate 180 megawatts when it comes into full operation.

Mozambique is increasing its share of the gas facility as many industries in Matola are using gas for power generation.

EDM, a public electricity company owns 51% of the Ressano Garcia power station and the rest is owned by SASOL.

Ressano Garcia power station is the second gas-fired power station at Ressano Garcia. The first one belonged to the Aggreko company, which is a power company based in Scotland. The Aggreko power is sold to EDM and to the South African and Namibian power utilities, Eskom and NamPower.

In the inauguration, the president emphasized the Mozambique’s role in sharing power with the rest of Southern African Development Community (SADC).

The energy Minister Salvador Namburete said that CTRG will be able to supply power for southern Mozambique for at least the next 25 years.

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