Home » Sicelo and Mamello bulk water projects in South Africa to be ready in 2017

Sicelo and Mamello bulk water projects in South Africa to be ready in 2017

Home » Sicelo and Mamello bulk water projects in South Africa to be ready in 2017

Construction work on the Bulk water and sewerage service projects in Midvaal (Sicelo) and Vall Marina (Mamello) are on progress, with completion expected in 2017. The project is being undertaken by Gibb, a consulting engineering firm.

The Sicelo and Mamello bulk water and sewerage infrastructure projects, which are expected to help residents have access to adequate water and good sanitation, begun in 2012. Expected to cost US$ 6.83m, it will help improve livelihoods for 12 700 residents and those to settle in 10 000 future low cost houses. It will be carried out in two phases.

Construction works will involve setting up a state-of-the-art 135 kℓ capacity and 22m high lily-shaped concrete tower in Mamello area.

The state-of-the-art water tower, whose construction is funded by the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform and the Local Municipality of Midvall, will solve low water pressures. It is expected not to deviate from aesthetics of the area. The correct ancillary pipes and pumps will need to be installed to supply the tower, and Gibb will be helpful in this regard.

The water tower will illuminate at night, as a focal structure. It will use solar panel charged batteries at night for this purpose, to cut down the power usage/consumption and the overall carbon footprint of the project.

Construction works will also involve construction of a sewerage pump station, refurbishment of the Vall Marina WWTW, a 110mm rising main, and an outfall sewer to the Vaal Marina Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW).

South Africa is also undertaking the Northern Aqueduct Augmentation (NAA) bulk water project in the north of Durban, a project that will cost US$ 22.8m.