Krones to participate Anuga FoodTec 2015

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Process engineering kit for producing and filling sensitive products in the low and high-acid categories will be the major focus of the stand exhibits being showcased by Krones AG, Neutraubling, Germany, at the Anuga FoodTec, to be held in Cologne from 24 to 27 March 2015.

The company’s product portfolio for these segments is so comprehensively diverse that Krones can justifiably lay claim to being a genuine one-stop shop. So logically enough the two Krones subsidiariesEvoguard (valve technology) and HST (homogenisers) willalso be exhibiting their products.

Product-compliant process technology

For sensitive beverages like juice, tea, milk-based mixed drinks, beverages with solid-fruit or cereal constituents, as well as other liquid foods, a particularly product-friendly approach is imperative for the process technology involved. Krones will be showcasing a few examples from itstechnology portfolio: the DosaFlex for flexible, aseptic dosing of solid constituents, and the VarioSpin, winner of the International FoodTec Award in Gold, designed for efficacious product deaeration.

Essentially, there are three reasons necessitating product deaeration of fruit juices before they are bottled: avoidance of filling problems, minimising oxidative influences, and preventing solid fruit constituents from floating to the top inside the bottle.

During deaeration, it is important to form a maximally large and turbulent surface while also ensuring thin layers, so as to minimise the diffusion paths of the gases concerned.

At the same time, however, the mechanical stress on the products needs to be kept as low as possible, so as to restrict foaming. In order to avoid the disadvantages of the annular-gap, diffuser and tangential nozzles previously used in most cases, Krones has developed a swirl inlet, designed so as to ensure that the product is gently passed along the tank’s walls, as soon as it comes into contact with the deaeration tank’s specially designed cover.

Thanks to the discharge velocity and the adhesive force involved, the juice thus forms a very thin film over the tank’s walls.

Utilising the tank’s entire surface area,including the cover,enables the tank’s volume to be reduced by more than a third. So this design not only saves space, it also ensures energy economies, since thanks to the lesser volume needing to be evacuated smaller vacuum pumps can be installed.

For producing fruit beverages with solid constituents,like pulp or fruit chunks, Kronesis unveiling a new and affordable option for aseptic production of beverages with a solids content. In the shape of DosaFlex, Krones has developed a container station for product-friendly, accurate dosing of aseptic components.

This process, previously used mainly for aromas and concentrates, has in conjunction with the manufacturers of aseptic container ware been expanded to incorporate a dosing function that’s economical on raw materials.

With a dosing rate of 60 to 1,500 l/h and a dosing accuracy of +/-0.3% of the dosing quantity, Kronesis thus offering a space-saving solution with an attractive price-performance ratio for bottlers who want to try out new beverages with a solids content on test markets, for example.

Product-friendly filling

When handling sensitive and demanding foods and beverages, a product-friendly filling process is of course vital. In the field of filling technology, Krones will be showcasing exhibits themed around aseptics andthe NitroHotfillprocess.

In addition, from its Viscofill range of piston fillers, which has been developed for handling highly viscous products and those featuring large chunks or high particle concentrations, it will be exhibiting two dosing units: firstly, the dosing unit of the Viscofill H, suitable for filling products withcuttable constituents up to approximately 20 mm in size, and secondly the dosing unit of the Viscofill S, designed for products like liquid and paste-like confectionery, dairy products, dressings and condiment sauces.

Evoguard valves for aseptic applications

By developing the Evoguard aseptic valves, Krones can now supply dependable process and filling technologies for aseptic processes as well. The Evoguard aseptic valves are used for shutting off pipes or for separating hostile media in sterile processes. Krones has successfully created an aseptic valve design that combines safety and cost-efficiency to perfection.

Homogenisers in the portfolio as well

By acquiring HST Maschinenbau GmbH, Krones has upgraded its corporate capabilities in terms of process technology for producing juice and milk. HST designs and manufactures homogenisers and piston pumps for the food and beverage industries, and will be represented with its products at the fair.

By developing the VarioSpin, winner of the International FoodTec Awardin Gold, Krones has succeeded in reducing the volume of the product deaeration tank by more than a third. This concept is thus not only space-saving, it also ensures energy economies, since thanks to the lesser volume needing to be evacuated smaller vacuum pumps can be installed.

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