Algeria university construction well underway

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Algeria’s new university construction in Mascara is ongoing well and will be completed on the time that was set, according to the Country’s Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal when he inspected the Algeria university construction site.

The new university center in Mascara will be the modernized in the region once completed and will be accommodating more students than the current regional universities.
Once completed the university center will hold a capacity of up to 8,000 training places and 4,000 beds.The facility will also have its own restaurant and a central administrative office for administration that will be on the same block.
The explanations presented to the Prime Minister, the new university center, worth more than DZD 9 billion, includes six lecture halls with 250 seats each, 6 with a capacity of 150 seats each, as well as 24 courses rooms and another 32 ones for tutorials.
This is the largest government university center that will house a faculty of social sciences and humanities and a faculty of arts and languages.
The facilities making it to be unique is the modern additonal educational facilities, 12 laboratories, 36 offices and a club for teachers, a library with a capacity of 1,000 seats and an administrative department.
The whole Algeria university construction project is expected to end by September all inclusive of residence halls which can accommodate up to a capacity of 4,000 beds and two restaurants in addition to cultural and sports facilities, 4 staff housing, technical facilities and maintenance workshops. The center will also include a main restaurant with a capacity of 800 seats.

Algeria university construction