Egypt’s national grid to get 250mw boost from Damietta power plant

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Egypt’s national grid is set to receive and additional power of up to 250 megawatts after the completion of the construction of the first phase of West Damietta power plant.
According to Orascom Construction (ORAS EY, OC DU) in a statement the phase one of the projects has been completed two weeks earlier than scheduled.
The Orascom Construction which has been running the project swiftly is part of a consortium building Assiut (1,000 MW) and West Damietta (500 MW) power plants on a fast-track basis.
The company said the completion of the first phase of the West Damietta power planton time is a clear indication that the project will be completed on time that will see the county’s power shortage aleviated.
In the last two months May and June respectively the company added up to 925 megawatt to the national grid and this was done through the launch of Assiut power Plant the phase one of West Dannieta and the awaited second phase that is expected to be completed by October.
Egypt has launched numerous power project to see that it gets through the power shortage that has hit the country.
Orascom Construction has been a key stronghold in the country as they are set in collaboration with Siemens to build two combined-cycle power plants in Egypt with a production capacity of 4,800 MW.
The two power plants, with a cost estimated at €4 billion ($4.49 billion,) will be established north of Borolos Lake in Egypt’s Delta governorate Kafr el-Sheikh and at the new administrative capital city east of Cairo, according to the statement.

Damietta power plant damietta Power plant