Kenya Pipeline to construct more depots

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Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) which is Kenya’s only major petroleum transit channel is planning to begin a multi billion construction project that will see them construct more depots, expand its capacity and cut its transit costs by half.

The construction project will cost US$ 212m and will aid in swiftly transporting fuel to seven counties in Kenya.

Kenya Pipeline Company acting Managing Director, Flora Okoth confirmed the news and said that the move will see fuel distributed in strategic locations in a safe, affordable and more efficient way for the benefit of consumers.

“If you look at the way economic growth pattern in Kenya followed the railway infrastructure, you will realize that such developments creates more impact than the originally intended target, we want to expand the pipeline network especially on the northern side of the country and other areas in phases with the same aim and eventually spur development through available and steady supply of fuel. Transport costs will fall by close to half,” Ms Okoth said.

The construction project is expected to be conducted in phases with Taita Taveta, Busia and Migori being among the first counties to be considered for the first phase of ‘devolving fuel’ while Laikipia, Nyeri, Kericho and Bomet will be considered jointly for a similar plan.

Establishment of large capacity depots holding up to 20 million litres each will also be part of the project that will help cut in transport cost that will eventually trickle down to the consumers.

Kenya Pipeline Company is a state corporation that has the responsibility of transporting, storing and delivering petroleum products safely and cost effectively to the consumers of Kenya by its pipeline system and oil depot network.

Kenya Pipeline plans to construct more depots