Tanzania-Zambia road to boost business opportunities

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Tanzania-Zambia road to boost business opportunities

The Tanzanian government is set to construct a 50km road that will act as a highway linking Tanzania to Zambia. The Tanzania-Zambia road is expected to boost business opportunities between the two countries.

Deputy Minister for Works, Transport and Communication, Eng. Edwin Ngonyani said that the construction of the Tanzania-Zambia road will be of tarmac level and cost US$ 5.3m.

“The road will cost a whopping US$ 5.3m and will be developed to enhance business opportunities between Tanzania and Zambia,” said Eng. Ngonyani.

Further, he pointed out that the tenders and the feasibility study for the intended projects commenced in July 2014. It was sealed in January 2015. He added that in this financial year 2016/17, the government has set aside the stated amount for the construction to begin.

The 50km Matai-Kasesya road is set to boost trade between Eastern and Southern Africa. This is because Zambia is the second largest producer of copper African.

Consequently, it heavily relies on the road transport for shipping exports and mine inputs overseas through eight neighboring countries. The road network of Zambia is also used heavily by neighboring countries to reach different ports in Africa.

Additionally, there is a 112km road from Sumbawanga-Matai-kasanga port road which is at a tarmac level and is currently 53 per cent complete, whereas 56kms are already constructed but at gravel level.

American Millennium Challenge

The road which is part of a 342 km Tunduma Sumbawanga Matai Kasesya road is currently undergoing a huge upgrading. Funds emanate from the American Millennium Challenge Account in conjunction with the Tanzanian government.

However, the upgrading works will briefly entail the construction of a two lane trunk road with service roads in built up areas and safety barriers at specific high fills and bends.

Tanzania-Zambia road to boost business opportunities