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Lekela Power projects in Egypt and South Africa

Home » Lekela Power projects in Egypt and South Africa

Lekela Power, a joint venture company between Mainstream Renewable Power and investment firm Actis, has announced its third renewable energy project in Egypt.

Lekela Power will establish a 250 MW wind energy project in Egypt which brings the company’s overall project pipeline in Africa to 1.1 GW. Lekela Power was set up as a partnership between developer Mainstream Renewable Power and investment fund Actis in 2015 in a US $1.9 billion deal.

Mainstream has 40% in the joint venture while the rest 60% stake is retained by Actis.

Lekela Power signed a memorandum of understanding to develop the project with the Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company after a successful meeting with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi.

The new wind energy project will be located at the Gulf of Suez area. Lekela Power will develop, possess, and run the project, which is anticipated to entail a complete outlay of US $350 million.

The corporation will also build a 50 MW wind energy projects in Aswan, and a supplementary 50 MW solar power project will also be erected.

Lekela Power has also delivered the main transformers to the 140MW Loeriesfontein and 140MW Khobab wind farms in South Africa.

The transformers were transported by road from Johannesburg to the sites of the two sister wind farms in Northern Cape. The 160MvA transformers will be stored in the substations, from where all the generated energy is conveyed to the electricity grid, Mainstream said.

The transformers were manufactured by Actom, while Conco is in charge of the electrical component of the balance of plant works on the wind farms.

Khobab wind farm project manager, Kevin Foster said: “These transformers are accountable for adding the power from 33kV to 132KV, which is the voltage necessary to transfer power to Eskom’s national grid.”

The wind farms will consist of 122 Siemens 2.3MW 108 turbines and are estimated to be completed by the last quarter of 2017.