Wonder Biodigesters – Innovative Waste Treatment Solutions

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Wonder Innovations is fast becoming synonymous with waste treatment and bio digester installations for individual domestic units, residential and commercial flats, and public institutions such as schools, colleges, universities, and hospitals in Kenya.

They are committed to preservation of the environment by providing green technology solutions. Wonder Biodigesters CEO, Mr. Daniel Thairu, has received recognition not only in Kenya but also in Africa. In 2014 he was feted among the top ten finalists for innovations in Africa by Innovation Prize for Africa (IPA) in Abuja, Nigeria. The company thrives on customer success, operational excellence, innovation, ethics and integrity.

The bio digester technology involves the introduction of anaerobic bacteria that break down organic waste from toilets to liquid effluent and biogas. The biogas can be released to the atmosphere through the inlet, manhole or the vent pipe.

Wonder Biodigesters - Innovative Waste Treatment SolutionsIt can also be harnessed into gas storage tanks for use in cooking. The liquid effluent is either channeled to a soak pit or treated for secondary reuse like cleaning, flushing toilets, and gardening. All these options are based on customer preference.

The company has successfully installed bio digesters for domestic and commercial clients in various parts of Kenya. The most recent installation is a wastewater treatment system and bio digester for Nakuru Milimani Guest House that serves around 400 people a day; the treated water is clear and it is used in irrigating flower gardens and lawns.

The system has been very beneficial especially for primary and secondary schools which use pit latrines. Wonder Biodigesters have installed drainage pipes that collect the waste from the latrines, instead of releasing it to the ground.

The latrines have a central flushing system, that is either manual or automatic, that channels the waste into the bio digester for treatment. “It is a very economical system because you do not have to put a flushing system for each toilet.” Daniel says. This has solved the problem of bad odor from the latrines, having to dig new pits every now and then due to filling up of latrines, and has also eliminated the cost of exhausting.

“The Wonder biodigester is the best option for those clients who are looking for an economical way to treat waste and still benefit from it,” says Daniel. The system, unlike those in the market, does not need power to run. It is a one-off installation and therefore saves the client a lot of money in the long run.

Wonder Biodigesters - Innovative Waste Treatment Solutions

It needs little or no maintenance, provided the client does not throw stones, plastic bags and inorganic materials into the toilets, which may cause blockage of the drainage pipes. With as little as 1 cubic meter of waste, the bio digester is able to produce gas that burns for two hours. The client also gets a 5 year warranty and a 1 year after sales service on every installation. Customer satisfaction is at the center of all their work.

The fact that the system is fairly new in the market and people are not aware of its existence, has been a challenge for the company. “However, clients are embracing the benefits that come with Wonder biodigesters and the market is very promising,” he says.

With the water shortage plaguing the country, Daniel advises people to embrace the bio digester and wastewater treatment to ensure they save on gas and water costs.

Wonder Biodigesters - Innovative Waste Treatment Solutions Wonder Biodigesters - Innovative Waste Treatment Solutions Wonder Biodigesters - Innovative Waste Treatment Solutions

11 thoughts on “Wonder Biodigesters – Innovative Waste Treatment Solutions”

  1. I run a small resturant using a pit latrine since sewer line is not near..
    Kindly get in touch.

  2. you can call 0731290975 for biodigester installation whether its for your family residential home, commercial installation, or an institution , regardless of the number of users. with over 10 years of experience n the industry, you can trust the quality of our services, and by the way our prices are most affordable in the market.

  3. Interested; how do you apply an aerobic bacteria for such in a commercial building of say 8 units each two bedrooms?

  4. I need the contacts of the agency responsible for the supply and the installation of biodigester. I need to make an order

  5. Hi,I need a bio digester on a residential plot average 8 members…on a cotton soil 6ft deep. Possible quotation

  6. Hi.would yo be able to install in a place with an already existing septic tank?at how much for a small household of seven?if I also want biogas and water treatment from the same?Thank you

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