Registration with the Ghana Institute of Architects

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No person shall practice in Ghana as an architect unless he is properly registered with the Ghana Institute of Architects to practice as such.

Membership of the Institute shall be opened to all qualified Architects practicing in Ghana as individuals, or within unincorporated groups and corporate bodies.
Membership shall comprise the following classes:
i. Fellows
ii. Associates
iii. Firms
i. Honorary Fellow
ii. Honorary Associates
iii. Probationers
iv. Students
v. Retired Members
Qualification of Members:
i. Shall be elected from the Association class and shall have practiced Architecture for a minimum of ten years, at least five of which must have been in Ghana
ii. Whose standard of work and contribution to Architecture is considered by the Council worthy of commendation.
Every Fellow shall be entitled to use after his or her name the initials
F.G.I.A i.e, Fellow of the Ghana Institute of Architects.
i. Shall be persons who have either: passed the qualifying examinations of the courses prescribed or
ii. approved by the Council and have completed practical training of such description and for such period as the Council may prescribe or
iii. have passed the qualifying examination of any society or institute of Architects by whatever name called, approved by the Ghana Institute of Architects and who have passed or have been exempted from the professional practice Examinations of the Institute, after the prescribed period of practical training;
iv. no persons shall be entitled to use an Associate unless he has attained the age of twenty-one and is or has become a resident in Ghana.
Every Associate shall be entitled to use after his or her name the initials
A.G.I.A i.e, Associate of the Ghana Institute Architects and shall be provided with a stamp.
i. shall be corporate bodies duly registered with the Institute and subject to the regulations and bye-laws in paragraph 1.02 and 2.03 of regulations
Honorary Fellow:
The Council may, subject to the approve of the Institute, elect from time to time as Hon. Fellows persons eminent in public life of this Country or elsewhere, not professionally engaged in the Practice of Architecture, who have shown exceptional interest matters relating to Architecture and Planning. The number of honorary fellows shall not at any one time exceed 5% of the corporate members of this class.
Every Honorary Fellow shall be entitled to use after his or her name the initials Hon. F.G.I.A. i.e. Honorary Fellow of the Ghana Institute of Architects.
Honorary Associates:
The Council may, subject to the approval of the Institute, elect from time to time as Honorary Associates persons who have not professionally engaged in the practice of Architecture but have distinguished themselves in other professions or other fields of learning or have shown exceptional interest in matters relating to Architecture and Town Planning or have rendered commendable service to the Institute.
The number of Honorary Associates shall not at any time exceed 5% of the number of the corporate members of this class.
Every Honorary Associate shall be entitled to use after his or her name the initials Hon. A.G.I.A i.e. Honorary Associate of the Institute of Architects.

i. Probationers shall be persons who have passed the appropriate qualifying examinations but who have not completed their practical training or passed the Professional Practice Examination of the Institute.
i. Students shall be bona fide students engaged in the study of Architecture with the aim of becoming Architects and have passed the BSc degree in design or similar qualification approved by the Institute.
Retired Members:
i. Shall be Fellows or Associate who have retired from practice in Ghana.
ii. They shall be entitled to use the letters F.G.I.A (Rtd) or A.G.I.A (Rtd) after their names.
Diploma of Membership
Every Fellow and Associate shall upon registration be entitled to obtain
i. Diploma of Membership subject to such conditions and on payment of such subscriptions or other sums as the Regulations may from time to time prescribe, and any such person ceasing to be a Member, shall on demand, return to the Council his diploma or Certificate of Membership;
Non-transferability of rights and privileges of a member.
The rights and privileges of a member of this Institute shall be personal to himself, and shall not be transferable or transmissible by his own act or by operation of law.

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