Established in 1966, the South African Property Owners Association (SAPOA) is a unique, member driven organisation. However, the association aims to represent, protect and advance members’ commercial and industrial property interests within the property industry. The protection is in terms of ownership, management and development. Its objectives are based on the principles of the free enterprise system. As the only workable economic system and the inalienability of property ownership, not only for its members but also for the future of South Africa, and its competitiveness in the world arena.
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Nonetheless, SAPOA encourages its members to share their expertise through active participation in the association. A forum is available, which allows members and non-members to respond to change, decisions and legislation. With regards to government legislative structures, SAPOA has fostered key relationships and maintains a non-political bias. By setting quality standards, and creating educational programmes, SAPOA is also able to be a source of information useful not only to its members but also to government at various levels and the industry as a whole, through a significant involvement in the collection and dissemination of property data and statics. Currently, SAPOA holds a qualifying small enterprise B-BBEE verification certificate and is a level one contributor.
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The South African Property Owners Association (SAPOA), as the representative body and official voice of the commercial property industry sector in SA, has continued to make notable strides in meeting its goal of enhancing the property sector.
In an endeavor to represent, protect and advance its members’ interests, SAPOA has participated and hosted various education and training programmes as well as advocacy initiatives. It has also take a stern interest in building collaborations of note with leading industry bodies as well as private and public sector entities, thus creating an inclusive and conducive environment for the enhancement of member interests, while keeping abreast of the dynamic trends in commercial and industrial property ownership and management.
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Being the industry representative for an estimated 90% of the country’s commercial and industrial property companies and an authoritative voice in the commercial property industry, SAPOA set out to maximise its level of activity within the sector, thus cementing its commitment to the realisation of a more vibrant, globally competitive industry. The Association continues to note the immense contribution of its workshops, breakfast sessions networking functions.
SAPOA Member Benefits
SAPOA members enjoy the following benefits at no extra cost:
- The Premier Network of commercial property leaders
- Monitoring legislation and lobbying government
- Complimentary publications
- Industry Reports and data
- Access to the industry’s latest information through the SAPOA website:
- Opportunities to participate on various committees, created to discuss matters of concern to the industry
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Members also enjoy the following discounted benefits:
- The Annual International Convention and Property Exhibition
- Professionally designed educational programmes
- Workshops, breakfast sessions, networking functions and golf days
Thanks for all the above information, looking forward to discover more information