Tenders portal in Kenya to go live soon

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The public procurement website is set to increase transparency in the award of government tenders and curb rampant fraud will be up and running in the next few days; this is according to officials from the government.

Head of Public Service Joseph Kinyua confirmed the reports through a memo which said that accounting officers in Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) are required to consolidate and publish the information, including new aspects of ongoing contracts, on the 15th of every month.

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“An online portal for its actualization has been built and is ready for launch within the next seven days,’ said Mr Kinyua in the memo copied to the attorney-general, cabinet secretaries, governors, chief administrative secretaries and principal secretaries,” said Kinyua.

Online publication of government tenders and contracts

President Uhuru Kenyatta ordered online publication of government tenders and contracts through Executive Order Number Two of 2018 so as to allow the public to scrutinise the deals and report any irregularities as part of the fight against corruption.

Information on the portal includes the basis of award of tenders, parameters of assessment, names and details of the tender committee members as well as the value of each contract.

If the initiative is fully implemented, Kenyan taxpayers will equally get to know the owners and directors of firms that have been awarded public contracts. The directive comes barely a few days after the State asked the heads of procurement and accounting.