Home » High visibility and reduced noise with the new long dots

High visibility and reduced noise with the new long dots

Home » High visibility and reduced noise with the new long dots

The new thermoplastic profiled marking has been developed for having high visibility at night time and during rainy conditions and at the same time have a similar noise level to a flat line.

Why was there a need for a new line type?

The Danish Road Directorate in collaboration with Geveko Markings, Eurostar, Borum and other partners have been working together to develop a new type of thermoplastic line marking. The need for a new type of marking comes after complaints from Danish locals in regards to the noise level made by profiled markings found in their vicinity.

Therefore, the challenge was to develop a new line marking that has high visibility at night time and during rainy conditions and at the same time does not produce as much noise.

Introducing the long dot profiled marking

The solution is the new thermoplastic profiled long dot marking or ViaTherm LongDot as named by Geveko Markings.

The marking produces almost the same noise level as an ordinary flat line while having these much-needed visibility features for safely guiding traffic.

The Long Dot markings are now being tested in several places around Denmark and we are hoping to soon see them implemented at a national level.

Increase road safety with these long dot features
  • High retro reflection due to many vertical ”walls” during both day and night time
  • Water easily drains away ensuring high visibility during rainy weather
  • Driver preview time increased by 50%
  • Similar external noise level to type 1 lines, while having the safety features of type 2 lines
  • Noise alert for guiding drivers – a great solution for center lines and edge lines
  • Can be used on all existing road types
  • Less material consumption compared to flat lines