Home » Industrial parks to be constructed in four counties in Kenya

Industrial parks to be constructed in four counties in Kenya

Home » Industrial parks to be constructed in four counties in Kenya

Private sector lobby institution the Kenya Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) has secured land in four counties to construct industrial parks. The counties Migori, Nandi, Elgeyo Marakwet and Embu have provided the land where the lobby institution is to set up the parks in partnership with international and local investors.

The announcement comes as a big boost to investors and traders since the industrial parks and special economic zones come with incentives including tax holidays for exporters. KNCCI President Mr Richard Ngatia said the chamber has put the establishment of the parks top priority in order to boost trade and improve the economy.

“Our major challenge was getting the land but right now we are glad five counties have committed to give us land for the industrial parks,” said Mr Ngatia adding that investors are ready to put in money for the projects. Ngatia noted that the parks will be built according to the potential of each county as well as the size of land provided.

Also Read:Egypt’s MSMEDA and IDA sign deal for construction of Industrial parks in 12 governorates

Supporting SMEs in the counties

The move by the chamber coincides with its objective of supporting Small and Medium Enterprises in the counties as well as enhancing the distribution of goods and services in a more efficient manner. Additionally in support of SME’s the chamber is part of the agencies implementing the Switch Africa Green Project which aims to reach 1,000 entrepreneurs in partnership with the European Union and the United Nations.

So far on the project about 300 traders from Uasin Gishu, Kiambu, Kericho and Nandi have been trained on business best practices. Moreover Mr Ngatia who has been in office for 100 days has led missions to secure development projects for counties including accompanying President Uhuru Kenyatta to the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) VII.