Home » Top concrete flooring companies

Top concrete flooring companies

Home » Top concrete flooring companies

Concrete floor coatings market is projected to record a 7% CAGR over 2016-2024 and exceed a market valuation of US $1.5bn by 2024. Global Concrete Floor Coatings Market is poised to witness a major upswing with the soaring construction industry worldwide.

On the global level, the total construction spending crossed a mark of US $7 trillion and is foreseen to record US $13 trillion by 2024. Flooring is an integral part of the construction industry, and finds wide application in the residential and commercial sectors. Concrete floor coatings are majorly used in flooring applications to provide resistance against harsh climatic conditions and abrasion.

The following are top concrete flooring companies

EDFAN is an international company dedicated to developing, manufacturing, installing and marketing linings for construction. Focused on continuous type linings, EDFAN looks to set trends: They seek continuity in order to both avoid gaskets from traditional pavement, as well as to give an image of continuity between environments.
The company was established in the late 90s and has since grown to have more than 70 EDFAN applicators in different parts of the world. Their products can be applied on floors, walls, furniture. Every single application of their products is unique, this is because it’s applied with trowel by mechanical ways so it somehow a craft work. Their application also has a different aspect and depending on the customer needs they can achieve different textures in a wide range of colors.
Top concrete flooring companies


SA Floor

At SA Floor they realized that there is more and more a demand for flooring that offers durability, simplicity that comes with easy maintainability yet must be of high quality and also presentable to their friend, family and or colleagues.

Therefore the company made use of Independent quality assessors offering a quality control service and unbiased reports. They offer surface preparation and application of specified product, in strict adherence to the manufacturer’s specifications. Quality assessments are carried out at various stages of the contract.

A 3 to 5 year warranty is available on all of their products. SA Floor work closely with all leading product manufacturers and this enables us to supply product with SABS approval that is recognized in the industry and supported by genuine factory warranties.


APSE is a leader in the construction market in Italy founded in 1964. The company produces cement for floors, printed floors, resins for industrial, civil, decorative floors.

Thanks to constant research APSE has we developed epoxy and polyurethane resins, which form the basis for most industrial floors. Their production is fully in line with the needs of customers in the construction field.

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