Home » Energy » Hydropower » Construction of US $1.2bn Baynes Power Plant in Southern Africa to start in late 2022

Construction of US $1.2bn Baynes Power Plant in Southern Africa to start in late 2022

Home » Energy » Hydropower » Construction of US $1.2bn Baynes Power Plant in Southern Africa to start in late 2022

Construction of Baynes Power Plant in Southern Africa is set to start in late 2022. The project will involve construction of the Baynes dam, and subsequently a hydroelectric power plant.

According to Namibia’s Executive Director, who is also the Permanent Joint Technical Commission on the Kunene River Basin (PJTC) co-chairman for Namibia, Simeon Negumbo, the plant would generate 600 MW of power, which would be sold to Namibia and Angola in equal allocations of 300 MW each, while regional off-take is being considered. “Our preliminary assessment of the current updated project schedule is subject to the certain variables, and the financial close of the project is only expected by the end of 2022, with construction to commence shortly thereafter,” he said.

He further added that the two governments discussed the project in 2007 and agreed to carry out detailed feasibility studies for the possible development of the Baynes Hydro Power Project.

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Cost of the project

The plant which is estimated to cost US $1.2bn based on the techno-economic study conducted in 2014, is set for commissioning at the end of 2028 to the first quarter of 2029.

“The current update of the techno-economic data stated earlier is looking at new technological advancements, which potentially could bring the cost down. Based on the current preliminary indications, the hydro dam could be constructed within five years, which is a saving of two years from the initial projections,” said the co-chairman.

The construction of the project is dependent on the final technical solution, which is part of the current assignment of updating the techno-economic data, the project reaching financial close, and the construction of the road access to the site.