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Construction of an ecological city begins in Yagma, Burkina Faso

Home » Buildings » Residentials/apartments » Construction of an ecological city begins in Yagma, Burkina Faso

Construction of a human settlement dubbed Yagma Bioclimatic City modeled on the self-sustaining resilient structure and function of natural ecosystems (eco-city or ecocity) has commenced in Yagma, a village in the Zam Department of Ganzourgou Province in central Burkina Faso.

Dubbed the “Yagma Bioclimatic City”, the ecologically healthy city is being constructed by PNHG Filiale Burkina Faso, a subsidiary of PN Holding Group (Pablo & Nathalia Holding Group) which is a benchmark player in the global construction and real estate industry.

The Project overview

The project is being developed on an area of approximately 9,135 hectares. It is planned to eventually have 158 “medium, luxury, and high standing” housing units, all in an enchanting and environmentally friendly setting.

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It will also benefit from the installation of fiber optics and a wastewater treatment plant. Mr. Yassta Ouedraogo, the general manager of PNHG Filiale Burkina Faso explained that an underground drainage system will be constructed to recover all of the wastewater that will be produced by the various dwellings and public toilets in the bioclimatic city.

“The collected wastewater will be transported to the treatment plant for purification. After the treatment, the water will come out clear/clean but it won’t be drinkable so it will be pumped back to water the various green spaces via a gravity drip irrigation system,” concluded Mr. Ouedraogo.

The project is set to be complete within a period of 36 months.

The Cost of the project

The construction of the Yagma Bioclimatic City is expected to cost over US$ 14M. In order to become a homeowner in the one of a kind city in the West African country, PNBF says one will spend at least US$ 71,054.