Home » Buildings » 3-2-1 Qatar, World’s Largest Olympic and Sports Museum Unveiled

3-2-1 Qatar, World’s Largest Olympic and Sports Museum Unveiled

Home » Buildings » 3-2-1 Qatar, World’s Largest Olympic and Sports Museum Unveiled

UCC alongside its partner, ACCIONA Cultural Engineering (ACE) has been able to deliver the 3-2-1 Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum, the world’s largest sports. The joint venture between the two companies has enabled them to deliver the fit-out, Museography works, and an MEP for the museum which is dedicated to sports and the Olympics.

The UCC JV and ACE were responsible for the coordination of an international team of specialized individuals that include but are not limited to engineers, creative professionals, artists, architects, content creators, lighting designers, and Museography specialists. The team to worked together and interchangeably to achieve the successful development of the 3-2-1 Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum.

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Some of the construction works that the team had on their hands included but were not limited to the implementation and development of the museum as a whole including the Museography Exhibitions. The partial design and complete technical development of the fit-out alongside the Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) of the Sports Museum In Qatar were also in the hands of the team.

3-2-1 Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum success

The project Director of Jv and ACE, Altor Tàrrega Astigarraga said that the 3-2-1 Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum was one of the largest projects they had ever undertaken. He also expressed his pride in successfully being able to complete and deliver the project on time and to the satisfaction of everyone despite present and ongoing global challenges.

The project is revealed to have had 95 companies and well over 700 people from about 23 nationalities working on the project and having contributed to its successful delivery. ACE&UCC-JV was responsible for the integration as well as coordination of all required specialist subcontractors.

The 3-2-1 Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum occupies a total area of 19,000 square meters and includes a gift shop, congress area, a café, member lounge, auditorium, restaurant, and eight galleries alongside meeting rooms.