Tobruk dual-fuel power plant project in eastern Mediterranean coast of Libya

Home » Biggest projects » Tobruk dual-fuel power plant project in eastern Mediterranean coast of Libya

The construction of the first stage of the Tobruk dual-fuel power plant has been completed. The nation’s power system has already received 185MW worth of new electricity as a result according to Greek energy company Mytilineos.

Kostas Horinos is the director of power, LNG/GAS, industrial, and T&D for Mytilineos’ Sustainable Engineering Solutions (SES) business unit. He commented on the conclusion of the plant’s first construction stage.

He said, “Mytilineos aims to contribute to finding a solution to guarantee stability in the nation’s electricity supply sector. As a result, we are committed to staying in Libya to raise the standard of living of the population by bringing stability and energy security.”

Also Read: Three Under Construction “Urgent” Power Plants in Libya to be Operational by Q3 2022

The power plant in Libya expected to expand and enhance the nation’s energy infrastructure

Mytilineos claims that Greece has contributed significantly to the development and restoration of Libya. Furthermore, the corporation anticipates that the power plant project in Libya worth $400 million contract will expand and enhance the nation’s energy infrastructure.

According to German developer GIZ, Libya has abundant oil and gas deposits but a dearth of renewable energy development. Another factor contributing to blackouts is a lack of power plants. This has left the national grid in a bad shape due to conflict, neglect, and acts of sabotage.

About the Tobruk dual-fuel power plant

The Tobruk dual-fuel power plant is planned to be constructed in the port city of Libya’s eastern Mediterranean coast that borders Egypt. The facility is designed to run on distillate fuel oil or natural gas. It will be able to have a total power output of more than 650 megawatts.

The scope of the project involves the supply and installation of 4 General Electric GT13E2 gas turbines in open cycle configuration. In addition, it involves the supply and installation of all associated balance of plant equipment. Furthermore, it includes the construction of a 220/66kV substation.

It will be implemented in three stages. The first stage will be the construction of the first turbine. This turbine will be able to directly reinforce the country’s energy system by almost 160MW. Once all three stages are finalized, the plant will have a total power output capacity of more than 650MW. It will also have a dual fuel (natural gas or distillate fuel oil) ability.

Reported earlier 

Oct 2017

MYTILINEOS S.A. signs an agreement for a new power plant “Tobruk dual-fuel power plant” in Libya

An agreement to carry out the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contract for a new power plant in Tobruk, Libya, has been signed.

The agreement was signed between MYTILINEOS S.A. and the General Electricity Company of Libya (GECOL) on 9.27.2017 at a special ceremony in Tripoli, Libya. In attendance was the CEO of GECOL, Mr. Abdul Majid Hamzaand, and GECOL representatives from Tripoli, Benghazi, and Tobruk.

A GE delegation, and the Chairman and CEO of MYTILINEOS, Mr. E. Mytilineos were also present. The Greek Government was represented by the Secretary-General for International Economic Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. G. Tsipras.

An insight into the contract details 

The contract value for MYTILINEOS amounts to $400 million. It covers the supply and installation of 4 General Electric GT13E2 gas turbines in open cycle configuration. Additionally, all associated balance of plant equipment and a 220/66kV substation will also be supplied.

These works will be carried out on a fast-track schedule. This is so that the first gas turbine will be ready to connect to the grid within 9 months from the project’s commencement. This new dual fuel (natural gas or distillate fuel oil) plant has a planned total power output of more than 650MW. It is expected to make a vital contribution to meeting the electricity needs of Libya’s citizens.

Remarks on the award

Mr. Mytilineos has stated that this project will greatly contribute to the electrical supply of Libya, thus helping the country’s reconstruction. “We are committed to this project and MYTILINEOS is proud to contribute, utilizing our great and unique experience in the construction of large power plants,” said Mytilineos.

“The Tobruk power plant is a crucial step toward stability in the country. This is because it is a critical public utility that will help significantly to improve the living standards of the Libyan people. We hope that this initiative will mark the beginning of the return to normality for the people of Libya.”

This is the first project for MYTILINEOS in Libya, a country with substantial energy demand and needs.

Dec 2020

Tobruk dual-fuel power plant project in Libya re-launched

The implementation of the Tobruk power generation plant project in Tobruk on Libya’s eastern Mediterranean coast, near the border with Egypt, has been re-launched after approximately three years of delay due to the internal situation in the North African country particularly the long period of clashes and political unrest.

The country is however gradually returning to normal and as a result, the General Electricity Company of Libya (GECOL) has enacted the Letter of Credit towards METKA, a subsidiary of MYTILINEOS S.A, a Greece-based industrial conglomerate whose companies are active in the sectors of metallurgy, energy, and EPC, giving the green light for the construction of the plant.

Boost economy recovery

The North African country has been confronted with serious power supply problems over the past years, with long hours of blackouts that have paralyzed the country’s economic and business development.

According to a statement by MYTILINEOS, this project will offer an immediate solution that will enable the country to invest in its productive reconstruction, while in the long run, it will help Libya acquire a state-of-the-art power generation plant that will cover vital and pressing needs in the project’s broader region.

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