Top four common reasons why projects in Africa stagnate

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Projects in Africa currently are on the rise though most of them don’t get completed on time or fail to take off at the time expected.

In recent years, project managers have been put to task and above all called upon to take key responsibility when a project comes to stand still despite being funded.

It is common that in most countries in Africa projects get stall or are not delivered on time despite the fact that they are well financed.

According to the International Project Management Institute, Inc. (IPMI) holds that all organizations perform two kinds of work: operational work and projects. Due to the repetitive nature of operational work, it is easier to systematize processes.

However, because projects have finite start and end dates, are unique in nature, and involve mixed team players, they are more difficult to systematize and to develop sound methodologies and processes for.

1  Lack of Visibility of all Projects
In most occasions most of the project fail as then key drivers involved don’t have what is needed as they don’t foresee what will happen tomorrow.

According to IPMIS all three tiers of the project team, executive management, project managers, and team members, need access to the right level of information at the right time.

Executive Management should ensure that they look at the current enterprise and ensure they give the correct time schedule and delivery period.

2 Unclear Project Objectives
As an construction project managers or executives you should ensure that you have the correct objectives for the project.
You have to ensure you know who to include so that you can deliver the project well as that will give you a clear guideline on how to work on it.

3  No Visibility into Resource Workload
Following the lack of project prioritization are usually overloaded resources. It is a circular problem as well. That is, because executive management has no visibility into all of the projects and tasks the team is performing, they are often laboring under the belief that the organization can achieve more than it is capable of in terms of sheer workload.

3 Create a Resource Management Grid
Before you start to manage the project ensure that you have a team that will ensure you have the needed resources that will see you deliver the project.
In most occasions this is where projects fail to be delivered on time due to financial constrains there was no team that was dedicated to carry out the project.

4 Gaps in Communication
No doubt that communication is important in any aspect especially when there is a time frame set for a given project.

Once a project is in full swing, a common issue is communication. Most project teams use email to communicate about their projects and tasks. The biggest complaint here is that project communication resides in each individual’s email box. So, if a new resource joins the project, there is no centralized view of the project history.