The company manufactures and distributessystemsthat useenergy from renewablesources.
The goal of the foundingmembersis to spread the culture of green energy, encouraging the use of renewablesources in order to give to their customers the opportunity to have a considerablecostsavings, lowerfossilfuels consumption to a further reduction of environmentalpollution.
Their know-how pursuedthroughyears of design and developmentbrings 3 Energy Solutions to propose innovative products, alwaysattentive to the evolution and the study of new technologies.The products in their catalog are the higheststandards of quality and allcertified by CE; Iso9002; Solar Keymark; EN12975.
The company alsoprovides comprehensive services thatinclude: custom design; distribution; pre and post sales support, customerassistancethrough their departments in Europe and Asia.
Today they are able to offer their customers series of productsranging from wind and PV plants, Grid-Tie and Off-Grid, modulatedpowerasneeded. A complete range of productsthat use solar thermalenergy, suchas: flatplatecollectors and head pipe; integrated solar water heaters, with natural and forcedcirculation from 150 to 300 liters; split systems of solar heaters with capacities from 150 to 1000 liters.
Another category of their products are dedicated to hybrid solar air conditioners, able to save the consumption of electricenergy up to 60%. They have a catalogue of three types; Wall Split, Cassette and Trinity, with capacities ranging from 9000 to 48000 BTU.
They also have a LED Solar lighting category that offers out-door lights for: lawn, garden, park, street, warehouse, apartmentbuildings etc. Their revolutionis thatallelectrical and electroniccomponents are “All-In-One”, thatmeansintegrated into the body of the lamp as theseproductswillsaveall the installationcostsas: excavations, electricalcables, foundations and make a good alternative to traditionallighting.
They aim to rely on top qualitymaterials and systemsoffering wide range of advancedtechnologicalsolutions to professionalssuchasengineers, architects, installers and also to public administration and private customers.
To ensure their customers with products of high quality standard they havechosen to establishpartnerships with the best suppliers in the field of renewableenergyworldwide.
3 Energy Solutions are proud to present their company and their greatpassionthatunitesall their technical and management personnel, they are ready to face the market challenges and successestogether with their customers. They are interested in having contacts with agents and / or distributors who wish to pursue with their company a growth path of an industry definitely expanding.
Ing Angelo Fraviga, the General Manager of 3 Energy Solutions advices potential buyer that they need to learn about the use of various technologies that use renewable energy, and their applications in residential areas or industrial applications, and acquired the benefits of ecosystems for the reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere quantified in tonnes per year. Their experience and know-how in the field of renewable energy, guarantee their customers of personalized assistance for the realization of the project and receive all the necessary they need to develop the energy system required.
Mr. Fraviga also commented on the emerging trend in regards to the technology that in the future, the planet needs a drastic reduction in the use of fossil fuels, in most countries of the world. Their thinking is in line with that of the international scientists to inform and disclose the use of green energy.
3 Energy Solutions (L) Ltd
Ing Angelo Fraviga
General Manager