BECOSAN® » Concrete made better.

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BECOSAN® » Concrete made better.

Concrete floors are widely used in industrial environments because they are easy to treat materials and can be found anywhere, in addition to their low cost and reliability.

However, these floors have some disadvantages that make them not as functional as they could be, that is why nowadays there are many systems for industrial paving such as epoxies, pvc , floor paints, etc.

You will find more information and cases about BECOSAN® in our website.

Main disadvantages of concrete floors
  • Great deterioration by use.
  • Generation of dust.
  • Unhygienic
  • No aesthetics
  • Absorption of liquids.

That is why from BECOSAN® we develop systems to overcome these disadvantages. We are experts in improving concrete floors. We convert conventional or worn concrete floors into high quality concrete floors that have the following advantages.

BECOSAN® Treated floor – Before and after
Advantages of a treated concrete floor

Due to the surface being extremely dense and binded, this will increase abrasion resistance. Dust particles, will no longer leave the treated substrate, providing a dust-proof floor.


For all types of industry with high requirements for cleaning or food processing. Our finishes have HACCP certification, Food Safety Management.

Reduced absorption of liquids

The hardened and sealed pavement now absorbs less liquid which is an advantage when it comes to cleaning and maintenance.


We have quality certifications such as ISO9001, CE, HACCP, Anti-slip, etc. Thanks to this the industrial floor is prepared for all kinds of uses, from heavy machinery to food processing or even airport areas.

becosan certificationsReduced Maintenance Cost

A BECOSAN® treated floor will reduce maintenance costs as the surfaces becomes very easy to clean due to the elimination of the micro-roughness and the sealing on the pores.

Discover more about the advantages of a polished concrete floor.

About us

We are a company specialized in the polishing of concrete and renovation of industrial surfaces. We offer service in practically the whole world, through our network of own and associated applicators. We are characterized by the professionalism and quality of our finishes.

Large companies trust and continue trusting us, ask us for references.

Currently we have presence in South Africa from the hand of our associates Craft Flooring Solutions, located in Pretoria.

How does the patented BECOSAN system work ?

Through the years and development we have improved our system to what it is today. This system combines a mechanical polishing of the soil with diamond-coated discs of different grains and the addition of our hardener and sealer for concrete, water-based liquids totally friendly to the environment.

In our work we do not use any type of coating like resins or paints.

how-becosan-workApplications areas

There are multitude of applications for polished concrete, we work mainly with large industrial areas, logistics warehouses, stores, transportation hubs, etc.

One of our application areas is the food industry, where the hygiene and cleaning requirements are the most demanding in the market. Our treatment offers HACCP certification, for the management of food safety.

Healthy system for the environment

In BECOSAN we do all our work thinking about the environment, that’s why our products are solutions to water that do not contaminate either in its production process or in its process of use and disposal.

In addition, we are responsible for the materials discarded at work, especially with water and mud, so we take care that the discarded of these comply with the legalities and regulations in each country.

Do not hesitate to make any comments if you need information or have any suggestions.

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