Home » Biwater Shortlisted for 2016 Global Water Awards

Biwater Shortlisted for 2016 Global Water Awards

Home » Biwater Shortlisted for 2016 Global Water Awards

In the 2016 Global Water Awards, Biwater has been shortlisted in two categories:

1. Water Company of the Year
For the water company that made the most significant contribution to the development of the international water sector in 2015.

In this nomination – with a write up published in the latest issue of Global Water Intelligence – the focus is on Biwater’s capabilities to “go out and do what it does best – engineer unique deals with maximum impact in challenging jurisdiction, no other water company active today is as willing to engage where it really matters.”

In addition, Global Water Intelligence notes that Biwater’s outstanding “export finance connections and in-house negotiating skills have enabled it to carve out a unique role as a deal broker, bringing bespoke financial, engineering, technical, and operational solutions to bear where they are most needed in the world.”

2. Wastewater Project of the Year
For the wastewater treatment plant, commissioned during 2015 that shows the greatest innovation in terms of optimising its physical or environmental footprint.

Hong Kong’s integrated wastewater and sludge management efforts are recognised by the nomination of ‘Stage 2A Harbour Area Treatment Scheme’ (HATS) in the Wastewater Project of the Year Award category.

This large-scale project on Stonecutters Island is increasing wastewater treatment capacity to 2.4 million m3/day, cleaning up the coastal waters of Victoria Harbour and directing sludge to a thermal-based sludge treatment facility to support power generation requirements.

Biwater completed the upgrade of the sewage treatment works on Stonecutters Island, which incorporates the world’s largest pumping station.

The project highlights included in the latest issue of Global Water Intelligence draw attention to the success of the Scheme, saying that the “neat dovetailing of the numerous infrastructure components reflects a uniquely holistic and forward-thinking approach to municipal wastewater and environmental management.”

Voting is underway to select the winners of the 2016 Global Water Awards.

Those eligible to vote include:
– Subscribed readers of Global Water Intelligence Magazine
– Subscribed readers of Water Desalination Report
– Individual members of the International Desalination Association (IDA)
– Delegates who registered for Global Water Summit early bird discount

Individuals will have received a unique URL to vote, which will be valid until 6 April 2016. Winners will be announced at the Global Water Summit in Abu Dhabi, UAE, on 19 April 2016.

To read more about the Awards and how to vote check out the Global Water Awards website.

We encourage you to view the comprehensive 2016 Shortlist and vote for us in the ‘Water Company of the Year’ and ‘Wastewater Project of the Year’ categories!

Hayley Thompson
Communication and Marketing Manager
Office: +44 (0)1306 746169
Cell: +44 (0)7867 456986
Email: [email protected]

About Biwater:
Biwater provides large-scale water and wastewater solutions for clients across the world. Since its inception in 1968, Biwater has gained recognition for its innovative approaches aimed at overcoming the world’s most pressing water-related challenges. Throughout its history, the company has grown to meet the demands of many water-stressed countries and their burgeoning populations. It has a successful record of accomplishment, having completed over 25,000 projects in over 90 countries – financing, consulting, process engineering, designing, constructing, operating, maintaining and owning water facilities – in both rural and urban environments.
