
Home » Company Reviews » Pumps » Cadoppis.r.l.

Cadoppis.r.l. has been an important Italian water pump manufacturer since 1935. It was founded by the Cadoppi brothers and became a highly specialized producing water pump and later on electric pumps for drainage and water lifting too.

Extreme high quality obtained through severe controls, professional attitudes and liability have always been the strength of Cadoppi.

47 different types of pump series are the Cadoppi range being used in the hereunder listed fields:- agriculture, thermo hydraulics (plumbers), fire fighting systems, booster systems, systems, building, industry, breeding / aquaculture and sewage / drainage,

75% of their arrays of pumps are distributed among the European market, Middle East, Africa and Latin America, while the remaining 25% is related to local Italian market. In total, Cadoppi pumps are exported in 45 different nations, thus granting the company a worldwide presence in almost all markets.

Their products can be found in African countries like; Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Nigeria, Ghana, Ethiopia, South Africa, Angola, Sudan, Senegal and Mauritius.

Cadoppis.r.l. is manufacturer also for a new solar system called ALBA SYSTEM able to capture the energy from the sun through photovoltaic panel. This system provide energy to your home or devices and is able to storage the energy in lithium battery. For additional info check on website



Cristiano Giampellegrini

[email protected]

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