Home » Elikham Systems

Elikham Systems

Home » Elikham Systems

Elikham Systems is a company that offers sanitation solutions focusing on wastewater treatment and recycling especially in urban centres.

They equip buildings with automated wastewater treatment and recycling systems powered with solar or from grid that helps the community to: treat wastewater at the point of production, make water safe for reuse hence reducing water bills by 50%, prevent waterborne diseases, and mitigate natural freshwater bodies pollution; thereby contributing to a clean and safe environment.

They also handle all kinds of plumbing needs such as backflow inspections hook up, drain field inspection and repair, leaks, septic upgrade and new fixture installations. The company’s systems are modularly designed, incorporated in any system, can be monitored online using a mobile phone and powered by solar, making it easier to operate and maintain them from any location across Africa.

Their wastewater treatment plants operate within specific regulatory NEMA standards.
Their work also contributes to sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Africa, strategically aligned to the African Union Agenda 2063 and the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) for climate-resilient economies and environmentally sustainable cities, while ensuring access to clean water and sanitation for all.

Elikham Systems Ltd wastewater treatment plants are essential in the removal of domestic pollutants and solids from the water and return clean water, bio-solids and air back to the environment so that it is safe for humans, animals and the environment.

Elikham Systems treatment plant draws upon SBR (sequence batch reactor) technology to better manage the treatment process biologically to clean wastewater to environmental standards.

Through the use of modern technology the treatment plants help provide clean water for reuse in homes and industries i.e. flushing toilet, irrigating lawns, carwash and dust suppression Wastewater in a treatment plant goes through several processes that eliminate critical pollutants.

Operators monitor meters and gauges via a computer that checks whether the equipment is operating correctly. They ensure that the wastewater has been properly disinfected and collect samples of treated water for routine laboratory tests through a government body (WRMA).

Since its establishment, Elikham Systems has made remarkable achievements including treatment and reuse of half a million litres of water per day, benefiting four thousand people across Kenya urban centres and are looking forward to impacting seven million people across Kenya by the year 2030.

They have specialized in design, installation and maintenance of the wastewater treatment and recycling systems currently having operational systems for apartments, business centres, gated communities, residential homes and go-downs across seven counties.

Through their achievements, they have earned global recognition at Go Global Africa 2019 in the UK and worn an award through IKO Safi sanitation conference 2019 for outstanding innovation in the sanitation industry category 2019 by the Ministry of Water and Sanitation in Kenya and through Kenya National chambers of commerce and industry for the most innovative SME and community impact award winner 2019. The system have shown high reliability and low maintenance during operations.