Home » Enraf-Nonius projects division to deliver Maternal Health and Paediatric Services in Zanzibar

Enraf-Nonius projects division to deliver Maternal Health and Paediatric Services in Zanzibar

Home » Enraf-Nonius projects division to deliver Maternal Health and Paediatric Services in Zanzibar

EN-Projects, the projects division of Enraf-Nonius, has been awarded the Turnkey contract for delivery of the project for Enhancement of Maternal Health and Paediatric Services in Zanzibar Archipelago, Mnazi Mmoja Hospital.

The scope includes the construction works and equipping of the Old Pharmaceuticals Building, Mnazi Mmoja Maternity Ward, and the 19 Primary Healthcare Units. The contract also includes an extensive capacity building package and 3.5 years of ongoing maintenance following equipment installation.

In total, EN-Projects will be involved in the project for over five years.The client is the Ministry of Health, Zanzibar with additional ORIO funding from a Netherlands Government grant. Their local construction partner is Rans Company Ltd based in Zanzibar.

The project aims to reduce maternal and child morbidity and mortality rates in Zanzibar by strengthening Zanzibar’s maternal, neonatal and child healthcare (MNCH) services at two levels of health care, the primary level and the tertiary level. At the tertiary level, the project includes the refurbishment and equipping of the Old Pharmaceuticals Building, adjacent to the current Mnazi Mmoja Hospital in Stone Town.

A new maternity ward including two fully equipped theatres, delivery rooms, and anti-natal and post-natal wards will be provided. Clinics, A&E, X-ray, Ultrasound and CSSD will also be included in the building. Alongside this new facility, of over 80 beds, the current maternity ward at Mnazi Mmoja will also be refurbished.

The result will be much greater capacity for maternal care, including three fully equipped theatres and modern delivery facilities. At a primary level, 19 Primary Healthcare Units will be built or refurbished and fully equipped around Unguja and Pemba. These units will provide community maternal and paediatric services, building community links and referring cases to Mnazi Mmoja where necessary. A full capacity building programme will accompany the project, training staff from both Mnazi Mmoja and the communities in a range of areas including neonatal care, waste management and community care, along with many other areas.

The project kicked off in December 2015, and has since been moving at a good pace. The first phase of the project is the construction works and equipping of the Old Pharmaceuticals building adjacent to Mnazi Mmoja Hospital. Good progress has been made on the construction. Alongside the works, the full equipment package has been reviewed and agreed with Zanzibar Ministry of Health. Equipment installation is scheduled to coincide with the completion of works in August/September 2016.

The implementation phase of the project is due to be completed in September 2017. This includes the refurbishment of the Old Pharmaceuticals Building, due to be completed in September 2016; the refurbishment of Mnazi Mmoja maternity ward, due to be complete in February 2017, and the building/refurbishment of all 19 Primary Healthcare Units, due to be complete by September 2017. Once all areas are completed, EN-Projects are responsible for a further 3.5 years of ongoing maintenance, due to be completed in January 2021.