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EWS Consulting

Home » EWS Consulting

EWS Consulting is convinced that everybody can and should make a contribution. The company combines sophisticated technology with innovative planning and turn committed research into sound advice. Experts in the company always think in terms of real-life projects, not just theory and intentions.

EWS is specialized on wind energy project. They offer comprehensive implementation services:

Detailed construction planning, Procurement of wind turbines and electrical/civil infrastructure (balance-of-plant) works, Construction management, Coordination and supervision of construction work, Technical inspection of construction pits and reinforcements, Ecological construction supervision, Biological/ecological monitoring and the acceptance procedure.

The advantagesof the company’s implementation services are aweb-based interface to monitor construction progress (EWS Construction Monitoring) and the combination of technical, biological and ecological monitoring. EWS can superviseconstruction sites or act as a full scale project owner’s or lender’s engineer.

EWS cares about the highest of standards in all phases of the project. Their focus lies on international orientation, Best qualifications for their creative team, a Solution-oriented approach, Safety & trust, 100% belief & authenticity, Reliability and Fair services for a fair price.

EWS Consulting are Consulting Engineers with business licenses for electrical engineering, landscape planning and landscape architecture, biology, measurement and control technology and construction. The team covers a wide spectrum: from electrical engineering to meteorology and ornithology, from construction management of wind farms to public relations.

EWS is the first international member of the Advisory Board for Wind Resource Experts of the German Wind Energy Association (BWE e.V.). The company is member of the Austrian Consultants Association, a FIDIC Member Association.

EWS is market leading in wind energy project development and implementation services in Austria, with international experience in 14 countries.

According to Daniel Gahleitner the International Business Development person for EWS, Many African countries have adopted a market framework to enable harnessing the huge renewable energy potential, specifically wind energy, to support economic growth by building a clean energy infrastructure. In addition to large scale grid-connected electrification projects, there is also a big demand for rural electrification and green mini-grid solutions in Africa.

EWS Consulting
Daniel Gahleitner
[email protected]