The Green Building Council Zimbabwe was launched on 30 September 2016 at Rainbow Towers in Harare. Below is our interview that CONSTRUCTION REVIEW(CR) had with the Chairman, Mr. John Chiwara(JC)
CR – What are the objectives of the council?
JC – The main objective is to spearhead the Green Building concept in Zimbabwe through advocating for sustainability in the built environment.
CR – What is the council’s vision?
JC– To achieve a sustainable built environment in Zimbabwe.
CR – What is the relationship between the council and the industry?
JC – We would want the Council and industry to work together for the purpose of greening the nation. If the two work together, it will make the roll out faster, easier and effective.
CR – What are the challenges faced by the industry and how is the council addressing them?
JC –Most materials that have been used in the construction industry over the past years are not environmentally friendly. The council intends to educate the industry players on the best materials to use and the best practices for sustainable buildings.
CR – Please share with us future aspirations of the council locally and within the region?
JC –The aspirations of the Council include training of Accredited Professionals who will rate buildings, recruitment of as many members as possible who will help us to lobby for by – laws that promote sustainability in the built environment. We would want to see our members partnering with companies in the region to work on green projects.
CR – What other information or word of advice would you like to share with our readers?
JC – We would like to encourage all readers to become members of the council so that they partner with us in achieving our objectives. There are many benefits to being members, but most importantly your company makes a statement to your clients that you are serious about sustainability. Most consumers are now conscious of the effects that a brand or product has on sustainability.
Partnering with GBCZW will give your company a competitive edge as you will be viewed a pro active and decisive company which is concerned about the future and the environment.
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