
Home » Company Reviews » Hiponoo

Hiponoo appears in prominently portals like SMA (biggest inverter manufacturer in the world), portals of Home automation, renewable energy magazines. Installation of reference Krannich, among others.

They are a technological innovation company with wide experience working across different sectors such as renewable energies, domotics and building automation, that is, energy optimization and automation of both industrial and living spaces. They integrate services in the most efficient way thanks to their expertise in those sectors.

Their services includes:

Home Automation is the control of the basic functions of a home and its features and qualities automatically, sometimes remotely. An automated home sometimes is called smart house.

They cover all the processes of the renewable energy production plants (economic feasibility study, installation, commissioning and maintenance).

Research and development of new products or processes to improve and expand their operations, improving their user experience.

Both of homes/ offices (home automation, immobile…), as well as industrial processes (Management of energy production plants).

They carry out the study, installation and maintenance of security equipment and video security.

They implement measures of efficiency and energy sustainability in electrical system integrating technological innovations and current regulations.

Better lighting consuming less electricity, system efficiency, cost savings and optimal lighting.

Hiponoo are specialists with over 16 years of experience in renewable energy, home automation, building automation, electric installations.