IMAJING, for transportation infrastructures data collection

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imajing® provides worldwide organisations with field data collection and Geographic Information System (GIS) solutions for roadways and railways infrastructures management.

imajbox®, first element of the tool chain, is a portable mobile mapping technology designed and sized to answer problematics of large networks maintenance, where every type of roads – bitumen, gravel, earth – and railways need to be surveyed. Compact, standalone and easy-to-use, imajbox® can be installed on any kind of vehicle – car, truck, bike, train –  and enables high quality positioning of corridor

imajview, photogrammetric and GIS software, is developed and adapted to imajbox® surveys processing and GIS data production from images. Capable of addressing multi-thematic projects, imajview is a customizable tool box which can fit in any network asset inventory or assessment project.

imajnet®, representing the last brick of imajing tool chain, is a turnkey web service solution developed to manage and centralize all data produced by imajbox. All-dimension, imajnet® enables time and space navigation. Pervasive, the web service can be integrated into GIS applications for collaborative asset management purpose within organizations, enabling to handle thousands of kilometers.

imajview, photogrammetric and GIS software

imajing® solutions are used to perform massive road or railway inventory and condition survey with flexibility and simplicity, which is not possible with most technologies that are cumbersome and where data storage and cost of surveyed kilometers become important issues. Up to now, more than 500,000km of data has been collected with imajbox, and processed for GIS purpose.

Acccorging to IMAJING’s International Business Manager Inès Guth, several service companies in Africa are equipped with imajing® tool chain. One of them is based in South Africa and currently works on railways surveying in Nigeria. Another one is based in Cameroun and surveys the national roads for the Ministry of Transport. A european company also surveyed the totality of the Transgabonais railway for maintenance purpose.

Ms. Guth also added that today, African countries need to maintain, expand and manage their transportation infrastructures. After having developed its business in Europe and South America, imajing® starts focusing on the African continent which has huge needs and potential.

imajing® is opened to consider opportunities for developing the african market through partners. The company believes that it is very important to have local representative being able to provide sales support and technical assistance.



Inès Guth

[email protected]


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