Home » Kemper: Excellence in waterproofing, roofing and surfacing technology

Kemper: Excellence in waterproofing, roofing and surfacing technology

Home » Kemper: Excellence in waterproofing, roofing and surfacing technology

Green roofs are considered an integral part of a sustainable building strategy. Kemper System offers a single-source warranty for green roof assemblies comprised of liquid-applied waterproofing membrane, insulation, drain mat, retention mat, filter sheet, growing media and in some instances, the plantings as well.

Kemper Systemís monolithic, seamless, rot and root resistant membranes can accommodate virtually any roof landscaping design offering long-term peace-of-mind solutions for extensive landscaped green roof overburdens.

  • Odor-free assembly for sensitive areas and occupied buildings
  • Monolithic, seamless membrane that fully adheres to the surface
  • Rot and root resistant, impervious to bio-deterioration
  • Carries overburden such as growing media, pavers, etc.
  • For extensive green roof design and planters
  • Up to 80 % renewable resource content
  • Single-source warranty on the full roof assembly

Kemper System is the worldwide leader, innovator and manufacturer of the highest quality, cold liquid-applied, fully reinforced waterproofing and roofing membranes in the industry. Architects, engineers, roofing consultants, quality contractors and building owners have come to trust Kemper System when only the best will do.

For over 50 years, Kemper System waterproofing, roofing and surfacing products have been protecting some of the world’s most important landmarks and valuable properties. With offices in 10 countries, Kemper System membranes protect over 2 billion square feet of surfaces under the most adverse conditions.