Home » National Stadium, Poland

National Stadium, Poland

Home » National Stadium, Poland

national-stadium-polandThe National Stadium is located at Praga Południe district in Warsaw. This structure will replace the demolished 10th Anniversary Stadium. The National Stadium stands on the site of the former 10th Anniversary Stadium that is the central part of the former Stadium is the base of the new facility.

This positioning emphasizes the relationship between the new Stadium and its former counterpart, if we refer to the creative and active attitude to the present historical and spatial aspect of the new facility.

Construction History

The new stadium started to be built on October 2008: over 100 transport units and nearly 200 employees were at the construction site on that day.  The whole project will be finished on 30th November 2011.

The National Stadium along with the associated infrastructure covers and area of 18 hectares and can host up to 58 000 people: high quality building materials and solutions are absolutely necessary to offer the public the possibility to be safe and sit comfortably in the stadium.

The parking area of the stadium can accommodate up to 1765 cars: in this area, about 4600 square metres of DuPont Plantex Geoproma geotextile is used.

This high strength, rot-proof nonwovens ensures both optimal ground stabilisation and continuous drainage and significantly contributes to the quality and the service life of the area over time.

As a separation layer, DuPont Plantex Geoproma avoids the loss of bedding material into the subsoil and prevents soil particles from migrating into the drainage systems.  Its high filtration characteristics ensure continuous drainage.  Additionally DuPont Plantex Geoproma is chemically inert (made of 100% thermally-bonded polypropylene) and is innocuous for the environment.

The base consists of four levels, the two lowest levels (B3, B4) are under the level of the designated football pitch and include car parks and exit corridors to the business club, VIP lounges, offices, conference centre, fan club etc.

Level B4 – car park, technical premises.

Level B3 – car park, technical premises, chapel and VIP zone.

Level B2

This level is two storeys under the promenade. It includes locker rooms for participating athletes, referees and sports officials, entrance ways to the VIP zone and the conference centre in the western part, entrance hall to the commercial area in the eastern part as well as car parks in the northern and southern parts.

Level B2 – car park, technical premises, participating athletes facilities, entrances to the garage.

Level B1

This level is directly under the promenade and consists of the press conference and main kitchen in the western part as well as the museum, shop and fan club with a kitchen serving the conference centre and fan club in the eastern part.

Level B1 – car park, technical premises, main kitchens, journalists, fan club, fan shop, museum.

Level 0

The centre of the former stadium. The main promenade of the new Stadium is located at this level. It leads spectators directly to the lower stands and – by the external stairs around the promenade – to the upper stands. There are a sufficient number of toilets, stands, first-aid points, spectator-oriented service points at this level and around the 2,600-seat business club.

Level 0 – main promenade, business club, stands, toilets, first-aid points.

Structure of the new Stadium

The central structure of the Stadium rises, in keeping with the character of the previous Stadium, out of the center of the old Stadium. As a result of modern architectural innovations this new construction, with new materials applied and modern assembly techniques appears light and dynamic and is associated with sporting events and – broadly speaking – the dynamic development of our country.

The architectural character of the façade of the Stadium is the result of the contour of steel columns on the outside of the Stadium which support the roof suspended over the Stadium and from the partially transparent external façade that is woven through these columns. Its wavy outline reflects the shape of stands and the form of the roof. It is woven around the supporting steel columns – much like that of a wicker basket.

As mentioned above, the main promenade divides the entire auditorium into the lower stand – the internal restriction of the base area – and the main upper stand. In the area under the upper stands there are 5 levels designated for various purposes. This area is confined by the upper stands from the inside of the Stadium and the vertical internal façade around the Stadium. In the space between the façade and internal façade, supported on piles which support the roof construction, are a series of stairs leading to the upper promenade (level +3).

Roof construction

The construction of the roof is a system of steel cables radiating from the external ring, which rests on steel columns, with the cables attached to the central spire over the football pitch. The roof construction principle is based on the construction of a bicycle wheel.

The roof material is made from a glass fibre membrane covered with Teflon with an 8-metre wide glass section placed between it and the rest of the roof. The space over the central arena can be covered with this mobile roof which – together with the permanent roof – protects the interior from inclement (or unsuitable) weather.

The mobile roof is positioned in the central spire above the arena and is above the system of information screens located in the lower part of the spire.

Entrance pavilions

There are three pavilions designed for ticket offices and security premises along with ticket check points – next to entrances for pedestrians from ul. Wybrzeże Szczecińskie, in the north and next to the entrance at Rondo Waszyngtona. These pavilions are connected by small roofed and entrance gates which form the entrance portals.

Photo by J. Kosnik, courtesy of Narodowe Centrum Sportu