Home » NCPC-SA sees awareness as key to enhancing industrial water efficiency

NCPC-SA sees awareness as key to enhancing industrial water efficiency

Home » NCPC-SA sees awareness as key to enhancing industrial water efficiency

The South Africa’s National Cleaner Production Centre (NCPC-SA) is set to reveal its Industrial Water Efficiency Project this year, with an aim to transform industry’s approach to water use through the adoption of a systemic and holistic approach to water treatment.

This is in line with the adoption of water efficiency practices in South Africa’s |Industrial settings through increased awareness of the importance of water conservation. It also includes a sensitization to practices that can facilitate the same.

Kevin Cilliers, the NCPC-SA KwaZulu-Natal Regional Manager gave a recommendation of the optimization of existing systems and operations and the selection of options that are easily implemented.

Cilliers further attributed the conceptualization of the project to the engagement of various stakeholders from both the private and government sectors. The NCPC-SA’s project, in addressing various aspects of implementing water efficiency initiatives has seen to it that they maintain a holistic approach to managing water.

The first constituent aims to ensure the conduciveness of the policy landscape in South Africa as far as supporting water efficiency initiatives. Secondly, the project will seek to establish national and international standards for water management by industry and promoting its adoption.

This, according to Cilliers, will encompass the development of a standardized water assessment methodology and management system that can be adopted by industry and key water sector stakeholders.

The NCPC-SA’s piloting of the implementation of water efficiency measures by offering support to plants is what makes up the third component.

Cilliers explains that the proposed format will assess pilot sites as a group and support and share learning among them in a program involving workshops and on-site implementation guidance.

The said plants will then be used as examples to demonstrate benefits of water efficiency to industry.

The fifth component will entail the creation of heightened awareness about water efficiency, legislative obligations affecting industry and the results of the pilot plants.

This is in accordance with the NCPC-SA’s delivery of focused advocacy and awareness campaigns.

Monitoring and evaluation of the project will be the final component.