Sky Foundry is a leading technology company in the automation industry focusing on data analytics to help owners and operators gain maximum value from their building automation systems. The company’s software product – SkySpark analytics – automatically identifies patterns in data that represent equipment faults, deviations from proper operation, and other opportunities for savings. The software discovers patterns related to facility characteristics including age, usage, type of equipment, energy performance versus benchmarks and industry metrics. To do this it combines asset data (such as the date of construction or in-service date for equipment) with energy consumption data and equipment and sensor data.
This need for data from multiple sources beyond the control systems themselves highlights the need for analytic solutions that operate above the control system and are capable of synthesizing diverse data. Effective analytics solutions are able to combine data from multiple sources, all of which are likely to have different formats. This requires that the software can deal with what is often referred to as multi-structured or semi-structured data.
Sky Foundry boasts over 4500 buildings consisting of over 250M sq ft currently using its software in applications ranging from Government facilities to multi-site retail operators.
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John Petze